Pai is usoare
cu vb regulat
I visited my grand-parents
I am terrified by the lions
si cu vb neregulate
I bought a dress.
the summer was beautiful
astea is dar is usoare pe ce clasa esti?
apropo funda?
I called you
I asked him where is the book.
I bought this car.
I spoke him about me
Eu as vrea sa te ajut dar nu stiu cum pentru. ca nu as vrea sa scrii propozitiile ce ti le zic acum si sa nu ai habar de nimic, asa ca mai bine iti explic. Vb. regulate se termina in „ed", iar cele neregulate au o fosrma proprie. De exemplu vb. regulat play-played si neregulat begin-began. Daca vrei sa gasesti verbe neregulate uita-te la sfarsitul manualului si sigur vei gasi.
Cred ca tu esti aia din poza, nu? Daca nu esti ce cls esti? Daca esti imi pare rau sati zic da chestiile astea le inveti in clasa a 5
I Tried To Sleep Last Night.
I Didn't Dream Too Much. (Regulate) si
I Saw My Friend Yesterday.
I Met All My Family Last Week. (neregulate) I Hope It Helped
I Saw My Fiend Yesterday;
She Met Her Dad Last Week; si regulate
They tried to sleep all night.
I Didn't dream too much. Asta-i all
Vezi ca e gresita una mai cea care tot ceri funda aia cu im terrified of lions e la prezent continuu da?
Tu care ceri funda vezi ca ai una gresita si anume aia cu i'm terrified of lions care e la prezent contiuu da? -.-
Pai... vb neregulat:
I wrote a letter for my grandma last evening.( am scris o scrisoare pentru bunica seara trecuta)
I kept special memories with my friends.(am pastrat amintiri cu prietenii mei)
Vb regulate nu prea ma pricep. sper sa imi dai funda:X
Verbe regulate
I wanted to go there.
You played tennis yesterday
Verbe neregulate
I saw him dancing.
I sent you a letter.