Cauta pe ai acolo 76 de pagini cu poezii de dragoste sunt tari!
Uite un sonet de Shakespeare:
"Nu-s sori ochii iubitei,nu scanteie
rosia-i gura ca margeanu-n mari
de-i alba neaua sanul ei de ce e
posomorat,si-i noapte al ei par?
Stiu,din Damasc,albe si rosii roze
Cu care chipul nu-i e logodit.
Miresme stiu,starnind apoteoze
Straine de al Doamnei duh smerit.
Imi place s-o ascult,desi-i mai scumpa
auzului,o muzica,-i stiut
Nu le-am vazut zeitele cum umbla
dar ea,mergand,paseste doar pe lut.
Si totusi, jur pe cer, faptura-i rara
cu nimeni si nimic nu se compara..."
Nichita stanescu in engleza: Nichita Stãnescu Sentimental story
Then we met more often.
I stood at one side of the hour,
you at the other,
like two handles of an amphora.
Only the words flew between us,
back and forth.
You could almost see their swirling,
and suddenly,
I would lower a knee,
and touch my elbow to the ground
to look at the grass, bent
by the falling of some word,
as though by the paw of a lion in flight.
The words spun between us,
back and forth,
and the more I loved you, the more
they continued, this whirl almost seen,
the structure of matter, the beginnings of things.
From the book "Bas-Relief with Heroes"
english translation by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru.
sau daca vrei un autor strain All Because of You
Author: Kate Reneigh Woodruff
I awake each day with a smile
And greet it with a laugh;
The world is a treasure to me
Because of you.
Every time I think of something sad,
I replace the thought- with you!
My mind is instantly changed
And my heart is filled with gladness.
Every breath I take is meant for you,
I live this life surrounded in joy
And I bate in the promise of your love,
My soul belongs to you.
Each time I see something beautiful
I want to take it and bring it to you;
My life has so much meaning now
All because of you.
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