Dear... For as long as I can remember your music has deeply touched me, driving me to the realms of success and pulling me out of the scariest depressions.
Rarely doaes one know what a miraculous effect music has on one. My gratitude for the soul and effort you have put into your brillinat music is beyond words. I just wanted to know that I appreciate you verry much regardless of the great many reconrs you sold. Irrespective of the presses campaign to dishonorate you I will forever be your loyal and trustworthy fan.
Hope this helps :*
In primul rand poti sa folosesti Google translate.Este foarte bun la cuvinte si expresii. Un dictionar, real sau de pe net este iarasi folositor.
Pa pa si Bafta!
Pai poti sa incepi prin a te prezenta si prin a-i spune cam cu ce scop ii scrii scrisoarea (Hello, My name is... I am a big fan of yours and I wanted to wrote this post-card because...) Sper sa iti fie de folos si sa iei o nota mare Succes!
Daca vrei o mana de ajutor in traducere girl.dead05
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