| Joaannaa a întrebat:

Buna!happy Am o nelamurire. cum traduc : Uneori este singurul care imi inveseleste ziua?
Ceva de gen: Sometimes is the one that cheers my day?
Nu sunt sigurawinking
Fundita!love struck Raspunsul corectwinking
P.S.:Nu am folosit dictionare online sau stiu eu ce, pentru ca nu ma prea bazez pe acestea.winking!big grin[Nu am incredere.]

Răspuns Câştigător
| MeConstantine a răspuns:

Sometimes he(she)'s ( in functie de gen ) the only one that cheers my day ( sau nu meaparat cheers - brightness, make my day sunny sau orice vrei tu).

4 răspunsuri:
| AlecsRvaSpunePa a răspuns:

Sometimes he`s the only one who really makes my day.

| UnCorpSanatos a răspuns:

Sometimes it is the only one who cheers me on

| Daniel2332 a răspuns:

Sometimes he is the only one that cheers my day.

| pynk44 a răspuns:

Sometimes he's the only one that makes me happy(merge si asa)winking