O sa incerc sa iti trasez o schema simpla...
Deci, lb engleza are timpul trecut prezent si viitor. Fiecare din ele pot fi simple, continous(verbul se termina in -ing) sau perfect( are in compozitie has/had).
Timpul prezent simplu-actiunea de fata sau rutina, stari permanente ale vremii, adevaruri demonstrate.
Exemplu: Watter boils at 100degreeas.
I walk to school every morning.
Prezentul continuu se refera la o actiune limitata la momentul de fata.
Adverbul si cuvuntul cheie aici e "ACUM".
I am redaing NOW.
Mom is backing cookies.
Prezentul perfect-actiunea e inceputa in trecut si inca continua.
I had been working here for 4 months.
I had lived here like forever.
Trecutul... iarasi simplu, continu si perfect. Cel simplu il recunosti dupa forma de -ed la sfarsit a verbelor sau forma lor neregulata (past tence form for iregular vb).
Ex: Jim worked all day. /I saw that movie.
Forma continua: acel ing arata in general un raport de coordonare. Faceam acel "ceva " cand...
Ex: I was drawing a new portrait when my husband called me.
Forma de perfect: actiune incheiata in trecut.
Mom has walked in.
Viitorul simplu se formeaza cu auxiliarul "will". Ex : I will visit you.
Forma continuua : "I will be there watching that play as soon as I buy the ticket" ( te si vezi facand un lucru cand vine vorba de acest timp)
Viitorul nu are forma "perfect" dar mai exista o forma care se numeste "Future in the past". Suna cam asa:
I already told Mark that when he arrived, we would go out for dinner.
I told you he was going to come to the party. Il recunosti in general dupa inlocuirea auxiliarului will cu "going to "sau "would/may/could/ought to..."
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