,,Avatar,, este un film realizat de... aparut in anul... Este vorba despre niste personaje care fac parte din clanul Na'Vi si traiesc pe o alta planeta. Sunt puternice, albastre, inalte si sunt intr-o stransa legatura cu natura. Oamenii de pe pamant fac planuri sa ocupe aceasta planeta pentru a exploata niste minereuri foarte scumpe si care ar putea ajuta mult fiinta umana in descoperiri. Parker, personajul uman care se poate transforma si in Avatar reuseste sa formeze o armata cu Na'Vi si lupta impotriva distrugerii lumii Avatarilor e castigata. Oamenii care doreau raul sunt trimisi inapoi pe Pamant, iar cei in care puteau sa aiba incredere au ramas pe aceea planeta si Parker devine un Avatar pentru totdeauna.
,, Avatar,, is a movie realised by... and appeared in... In this movie are a lot of characters who're living on another planet, are joining into Na'Vi clan, are in a strong bond with the nature. They're strong, taller than humans and their skin is blue.
The humans who're living on the Earth are making plans to destroy Avatar's world for exploatation of an expensive,, minereu,, which could help a lot the human's live and become more evoluated.
James Parker, the man who can transform himsefl into an Avatar did succided to form an,, armata,, whith Na'Vi and the war against Na'Vi's World's destrucion is won by the Avatars.
The enemies were sent back home and the only humans who were friends with Na'Vi could stay and Parker became an full edge Avatar.
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