| Rihanna_3638 a întrebat:

Ce cuvant lipseste din:
What.....interesting idea!
It was Dad who lent me the money, .....Mum.
Let's...wait for ben.He's always late.
The children are playing. .....they noisy!
sau: Care dintre urmatoarele propozitii e gresita?
1 It was his kindness that really impressed me.
2 It was his kindness what I really liked.
3 What really impressed me was his kindness.
4 What I really liked was his kindness.
Va rog...

Răspuns Câştigător
| DDCC a răspuns:

4.(Cred că e greșit). Reformulare: They are noisy! Dacă pui cu "are" în față va ieși întrebare, nu exclamație.
Greșită este prima propoziție. Corect este It was his kindness what really impressed me. Asta deoarece prima se traduce astfel: A fost bunătatea lui care m-a impresionat cu adevărat iar corect e A fost bunătatea lui ceea ce m-a impresionat cu adevărat.

| DDCC a răspuns (pentru DDCC):

Vezi că la a 2-a It was Dad who lent me the money, .....Mum. m-am încurcat eu. Era corect but dacă era It wasn't... deci corect este not. Îmi cer scuze pentru asta!

3 răspunsuri:
| ovidiu8msn a răspuns:

Tema la engleza banuiesc. laughing
1- an
2-isn't it
3- nu cred ca trebuie nimic. Propozitia are logica. Daca tot vrei sa pui ceva ar merge : not.

II-Propozitia a doua.

| EMike a răspuns:

What an interesting idea!
It was Dad who lent me the money, not Mum.
Let's take a wait Ben. He's always late.
The children are playing. Are they noisy!

2 It was his kindness what I really liked. - E GRESITA