| Daria a întrebat:

Cine imi poate explica cand se foloseste should, shouldn't, ought sau ought not? Multumesc.happy

2 răspunsuri:
| DmnProfesoara a răspuns:

Poi cei important de spus este ca toate cele 4 cuvinte inseamna acelasi lucru Ar trebui/N-ar trebui.

You should get to school after three o`clock.
You shouldn't miss the train
You ought to try a Apple.
You oughtn't fight with your sister.
Diferenta dintre should si ought este ca de obicei "should" este mai puternic, adica in exemplele de mai sus:
Trebuie sa ajungi la scoala...
Ar trebui sa incerci un mar.
* should e mai puternic, decat ought
O alta diferenta este "to". Should nu foloseste niciodata "to" insa ought trebuie luat mereu cu "to".
Cam astea ar fi diferentele si asemanarile lui should/ought.winking

| imDani a răspuns:

indicates what somebody should do

gives a suggestion on what is the right thing for somebody to do

"You ought to tell her how you feel."
You can't avoid telling her how you fell

"You should tell her how you feel."
It is better or the best to tell her how you fell