| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Cine ma ajuta sa traduc un text din romana in engleza?

Majoritatea exista! Eu traiesc! Vreau sa traiesc si nu oricum, ci printre toti ceilalti care traiesc si nu doar exista.
Am invatat ca trebuie sa pretuiesc tot ceea ce am. trebuie sa stiu sa ma bucur de fiecare clipa pe care o traiesc alaturi de cei dragi.
Viata mea s-a schimbat atunci cand un prieten de-al meu a murit.
Am fost alaturi de el si am vazut cat de greu e sa vrei sa traiesti si sa nu poti.
Am vazut cum trec zilele iar el se simte din ce in ce mai rau iar eu nu puteam face nimic ca sa il ajut.
Timpul a trecut si nu am putut face nimic. El acum nu mai este aici, dar este mereu un inima mea.
Ceea ce i s-a intamplat lui m-a marcat pentru totdeauna. dar am invatat ca trebuie sa imi traiesc viata din plin deoarece totul poate disparea intr-o secunda.
De atunci am invatat ca viata poate fi schimbata in doar cateva ore.
Am învăţat că oamenii la care ţii cel mai mult îţi sunt luaţi prea repede.
Am invatat ca trebuie sa te desparti de cei dragi cu cuvinte calde...caci s-ar putea sa fie ultima oara cand ii vezi.

2 răspunsuri:
| Shaiiiiiiiii a răspuns:

Most of there! I live! I want to live and not in any way, but among all the others who live not just exist.

We learned that we must cherish everything we have. I need to know to enjoy every moment you live with your loved ones.

My life changed when a friend of mine died.

I was with him and saw how hard it is to want to live and you can not.

I saw the days pass and he feels increasingly worse and I could not do anything to help him.

Time passed and I could not do anything. He is no longer here, but my heart is always one.

What happened to me forever marked. but I learned that I should live life to the fullest because it can disappear in an instant.

Since then I learned that life can be changed in just a few hours.

I learned that people that you care the most you are taken too quickly.

I learned that you should break up with your loved ones with warm words... because they might be the last time you see them.

| AncikmyLOVE a răspuns:

Cred ca este asa:
Most of there! I live! I want to live and not in any way, but among all others who live not just exist.

I learned you have to appreciate everything I have. I need to know to enjoy every moment you live with your loved ones.

My life changed when a friend of mine died.

I was with him and saw how hard it is to want to live and you can not.

I saw the days pass and he feels increasingly worse and I could not do anything to help him.

Time passed and I could not do anything. He is no longer here, but my heart is always one.

What happened to me forever marked. but I learned that I must live life to the fullest because it can disappear in an instant.

Since then I have learned that life can be changed in just a few hours.

I learned that people that you care the most you are taking too quickly.

I learned that you should break up with your loved ones with warm words... because it might be the last time you see them.