| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Cum se traduce in engleza: Am urcat in masina. Soferul a gresit drumul si in loc sa ajungem la scoala am ajuns intr-o padure.
Ghinion! Benzina s-a terminat. Nu era nimeni in jur sa ne ajute. Seara se apropia. Se auzeau zgomote de animale. Totul parea sinistru. Se auzeau lupii urland.
Deodata, un animal mare si negru se apropia de masina noastra.Am incuiat usile si ne-am facut cat mai mici. Animalul zguduia masina.
Funda la raspunsul corect!

Răspuns Câştigător
| MITZANUL a răspuns:

I got in the car. The driver went the wrong way and instead of getting at school we got in a forest. Bad luck! Gasoline is over. There was no one around to help. Evening was approaching. Animal noises are heard. Everything seemed sinister. You heard wolves howling. Suddenly, a large black animal approached our car. We locked the doors and we made as small. The animal shook the car.

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