Scrioare formala:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing with regard to your advertisement requesting of volunteers to take part in the next edition of your survivor programme, which I have been watching for the last three seasons.
I do not usually tend to fight for things I do not believe deeply in. This is why I am applying for this
scrisoare informala:
8th January 2004
Dear Jane.
I hope you are feeling better Are you able to sit in the garden and enjoy the sunshine?
We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return. There have been a few changes since you went into hospital. Eric Johnson has now retired (lucky man) and Matthew has taken over Eric's job. He is struggling at the moment. He hopes you will return soon to rescue him from the muddle.
I thought you would like the book I'm sending you with this letter I saw it in the bookshop and thought it would make you laugh. I know you 've always wanted to live in Greece. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and find time to read it before you return to work
Take it easy and look after yourself I'll write again soon.
Best regards
daniel2987139 întreabă: