Wolf, gresesti, programul a fost rulat si inca ruleaza, asa cum a zis si BlackFire, dar nu stiu daca conjugarea este 100% corecta, desi pare cea corecta.
Scuze, nu m-am uitat destul de atent probabil
Nu conteaza, am gasit. Uite si exemple pentru cei care vreti sa intelegi:
My mother runs the business. The business is run by my mother.
My mother ran the business. The business was run by my mother.
My mother has run the business. The business has been run by my mother.
My mother will run the business. The business will be run by my mother.
"Was run" is the correct past passive 1st and 3rd person singular form of "run". "Was ran" is not a correct verb form.
Ce spui tu se mai intampla si in prezent. Ce spune in propozitia de mai sus s-a intamplat in trecut. "Programul a fost rulat pe sisteme diferite, bazate pe Linux si Windows."
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