| xDqqq a întrebat:

hei TPU! ajutati-ma sa traduc in engleza textul asta va rog! dau fundita :*
Calutul de mare este un peste foarte indragit mai ales de copii. Denumirea sa se datoreaza asemanarii formei capului cu cel al unui cal.
Corpul este subtirel, masurand 5 - 20 cm, in forma de S si este acoperit cu placute osoase. Aripioarele de pe spate il ajuta sa inoate. Calutii de mare sunt singurii pesti care pot inota in pozitie verticala. Capul este mic si putin alungit. Calutii de mare se prezinta intr-o varietate de culori de la rosu pana la auriu.

Ei se hranesc cu vietati marine de foarte mici dimensiuni si cu plante marine pe care le agata cu coada lunga.

Ceea ce ii deosebeste foarte mult de restul animalelor este faptul ca masculul este cel care face pui (in general 10 - 20 la numar, masurand numai cativa milimetri) si are grija de ei. Icrele sunt depuse intr-un marsupiu al masculului, marsupiu asemanator celui al cangurului. In numai 10 zile de la nastere, puii sunt in stare sa isi procure hrana singuri. Masculul si femela isi petrec timpul impreuna numai dimineata si seara.

Un alt lucru foarte curios este acela ca, acesti pesti se aseamana foarte mult cu cameleonii, ei putand sa isi schimbe culoarea in functie de mediul incojurator si sa isi miste ochii indepenedent unul fata de celalalt.

Calutii de mare sunt animale pe cale de disparitie datorita pescuitului si distrugerii mediului de viata. In China, sunt ucisi in fiecare an 20 de milioane de caluti de mare, fiind folositi in medicina traditionala. Cei care ii pescuiesc ii pun in general in acvariile detinute acasa sau ii folosesc ca amulete.

Răspuns Câştigător
| qLoveSmileღ a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head. The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold. They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail. What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

L-am tradus de pe traducerea unde imi fac eu mereu temele la engleza tongue. Sper ca te-am ajutat!

Pa-pa. wave

11 răspunsuri:
| NoMusicNoLife a răspuns:

SeaHorse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.

| Muhteşem a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| Nicole a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.
O zi plina de bucurii si numai bine!

| simplu_2372 a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.


| Anonimus905 a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children.Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse' s head

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates.The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold. They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail. What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters)

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:


| laurica2001 a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.

| Byanka26 a răspuns:

High Horse is a very popular especially over children. Its name is due to the formal resemblance to that of a horse's head.

The body is thin, measuring 5-20 cm, S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. The wings on the back helps him swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim in a vertical position. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small sea creatures and marine plants that cling to the long tail.

What really distinguishes them from the others is that is what makes male chicken (usually 10-20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in one of the male's pouch, the pouch like the kangaroo. In just 10 days after birth, pups are able to procure their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.Another very curious thing is that these fish resemble the chameleons, they can change their color depending on the environment and to move her eyes surrounded indepenedent one another.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China, are killed every year 20 million sea horses, are used in traditional medicine. Those who generally puts them in fish tanks at home owned or used them as amulets.

Chiar nu stiu daca e bine dar de obicei ma pricep la engleza:*:*:*

| SpYoNu a răspuns:

Seahorse is a fish very loved especially by children. Name similarity is due to the shape of a horse head.

The body is thin, measuring 5 to 20 cm S-shaped and is covered with bony plates. Back fins help it swim. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim upright. The head is small and slightly elongated. Seahorses are presented in a variety of colors from red to gold.

They feed on very small marine creatures and marine plants that cling to long tail.

What she differs greatly from the others is that the male is the one who makes chicken (usually 10 to 20 in number, measuring only a few millimeters) and takes care of them. The eggs are deposited in a pouch of the male, similar to that of kangaroo pouch. In just 10 days after birth, babies are able to buy their own food. Male and female spend time together only in the morning and evening.

Another curious thing is that, these fish are resemble chameleons, they can change their color depending on the surroundings and move its eyes indepenedent each other.

Seahorses are endangered animals due to fishing and environmental destruction of life. In China are killed every year 20 million seahorses were used in traditional medicine. Those who cast his fishing generally held in aquaria at home or use