Da cutremurele sunt provocate de occident prin scutul de la deveselu, si prin tehnologia 5g, Plus de asta au anceput sa apara manifestari de ozn care le provoaca
Nu o imbecila a zis... E o chestiune despre care se discuta din secolul 20
''Roger Clark, lecturer in geophysics at Leeds University said in the respected journal Nature in 1996, responding to a newspaper report that there had been two secret Soviet programs, "Mercury" and "Volcano", aimed at developing a "tectonic weapon" that could set off earthquakes from great distance by manipulating electromagnetism, said "We don't think it is impossible, or wrong, but past experience suggests it is very unlikely". According to Nature these programs had been "unofficially known to Western geophysicists for several years". According to the story the Mercury program began in 1987, three tests were conducted in Kyrgyzstan, and Volcano's last test occurred in 1992. ''
''New Zealand's unsuccessful Project Seal programme during World War II attempted to create tsunami waves as a weapon. It was reported in 1999 that such a weapon might be viable.[8]''
Sursa - Wikipedia
Tu crezi că asta a auzit asta de la Roger Clark, lecturer in geophysics at Leeds University? Că eu fac pariu că a auzit de la Sosoaca și Carmen de la Salcioara
Si care e ideea? Sosoaca a inventat ea? TOATA PLANETA vorbeste de asta, nu e ceva local. Important e ca in trecut a existat INTENTIA de a provoca cutremure/tsunamiuri in mod artificial, ca arme pentru razboi, experimente etc. Discutiile s-au raspandit in timp. De fapt, nu stie nimeni daca exista sau nu. E necesara doar curiozitatea omului/intentia de prima data ca sa realizezi ca la unele chestii se pot lucra. Ideea de tectonic weapon nu este o conspiratie. Doar ca nu vom sti daca exista sau nu.
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