Shootere: Battlefield (2, bad company, bad company 2), medal of honour, delta force, crysis, farcry (1 si 2), arma, Stalker
Strategie: Medieval total war, Rome total war, Napoleon total war, Red alert, King Arthur, Starcraft, Age of Empires, World in conflict, Company of heroes
Metro 2033, prince of persia ( toate seriile), crysis, crysis warhead( apare si crysis 2 in martie sau aprilie), stronghold 2 ( o sa apara stronghold 3 in martie), the lord of the rings- battle for middle earth II, seria Splinter cell ( iti recomand din inima ).
Multumesc all foarte bune jocurile chiar la toti da numai unu poate primi un raspuns castigator oricum multemesc la toti
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