| rafaelo111 a întrebat:

Salut, care ma ajuta si pe mine cu traducerea in engleza a textului de ma jos.
Funda si vot!
Multumesc anticipat!
Unul dintre drepturile de baza ale omului in orice situatie democrata este libertatea de a spune ce vrei si de a gandi ce vrei, atata timp cat nu desfasori nicio activitate ilegala.
Oamenii ar trebui sa aiba dreptul de a-si alege guvernul prin vot secret.
Oricine ar trebui sa fie liber, sa-si formeze un partid politic si sa participe la alegeri.
Unii oameni pretind ca si dreptul la munca este esential, guvernul ar trebui sa se asigure ca exista suficiente locuri de munca disponibile si ca oamenii pot trai intr-un mod decent.
Drepturile oamenilor, par a fi naturale si evidente, doar daca le aplicam asupra tuturor.
Este necesar sa respectam toate fiintele omenesti.
Nu ar trebui sa consideram pe nimeni inferiori noua pentru ca fiecare om are aceleasi drepturi ca si noi.
Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa invatam sa coexistam pajnic cu alte natiuni, sa le respectam teritoriul si dreptul la o viata decenta.
Nu ar trebui sa presupunem ca orice grup de indivizi ne este dusman, mai ales daca acestia au o religie diferita sau culoarea pielii diferita.
Asadar ar trebui sa acceptam toate culturile si stilurile de viata daca oamenii implicati au ales acest stil in mod voluntar.
Unii au dreptul sa aleaga cum sa traiasca chiar daca nu suntem de acord cu ei.

7 răspunsuri:
| AdelinaPaula a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all. It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us forthat everyone has the same rights as us

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choosehow to live even if we disagree with them.

Funditaaa? puppy dog eyes

| soricori a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all.

It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us that every person has the same rights as us.

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choose how to live even if we disagree with them.
fundita, plsss

| HubbaBubbaGirl a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all. It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us forthat everyone has the same rights as us

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choosehow to live even if we disagree with them.

| dana_9056 a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all.

It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us that every person has the same rights as us.

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choose how to live even if we disagree with them. funda?

| misterioaѕa a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all.

It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us that every person has the same rights as us.

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choose how to live even if we disagree with them.
Asta este de la mine, nu de la translator!

| egjrewiogjaeifjaepfpjagfegwregeyhrt a răspuns:

One of the basic human rights in any democratic situation is the freedom to say what you want and think what you want, as long as it does not engage in any illegal activity.

People should have the right to choose their government by secret ballot.

Everyone should be free to form a political party and participate in elections.

Some people claim that the right to work is essential, the government should ensure that there are sufficient jobs available and people can live in a decent way.

Human rights seem to be natural and obvious, unless we apply them to all.

It is necessary to respect all human beings.

You should not consider anyone below us that every person has the same rights as us.

That means that we must learn to coexist pajnic with other nations, respect their territory and the right to a decent life.

You should not assume that any group of individuals is our enemy, especially if they have a different skin color or different religion.

So we should accept all cultures and lifestyles if the people involved have voluntarily chosen this style.

Some people have the right to choose how to live even if we disagree with them.

| rafaelo111 explică:

Dar traducerile sunt cu google translate?
Google Translate nu este bun sad