Prepozitia reprezinta partea de vorbire care indica relatia dintre substantive, pronume si alte parti de vorbire dintr-o propozitie. Cel mai des, acestea preced un substantiv. Nu isi schimba forma, indiferent de cazul sau genul cuvantului la care face referire.
Prepozitiile nu au inteles de sine statator, ele capata diferite sensuri puse in legatura cu alte cuvinte.
Exista prepozitii simple (at, in, on, behind, under etc) si prepozitii compuse (in between / intre, because of / din cauza ca, pentru ca, on behalf of / in numele).
on - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima zilele saptamanii: on Monday (luni)
in - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima:
- luna / anotimpul: in March (in martie); in Spring (primavara)
- timpul zilei: in the afternoon (dupa-amiaza)
- anul: in 2001
- o anumita perioada de timp: in a minute (intr-un minut)
at - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima:
- pentru noapte: at night (la noapte)
- pentru weekend: at weekend (in weekend)
- ora exacta: at half past ten (la 10 si jumatate)
since - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima de cand a inceput actiunea pana in prezent: since 2011 (din 2011)
for - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima de cand dureaza actiunea pana in prezent: for two years (de doi ani)
to - precizeaza timpul exact: ten to six (sase fara zece minute)
past - precizeaza timpul: ten past eight (opt si zece minute)
to, till, until - precizeaza de cand si pana cand are loc actiunea: from Monday to/till Saturday (de luni pana sambata)
by - precizeaza pana cand are loc actiunea: by 7 o'clock (pana la ora 7)
Alte prepozitii de timp:
ago - six years ago (cu 6 ani in urma)
after - after school (dupa scoala)
between - between Monday and Thursday (intre luni si joi)
during - during the holidays (pe perioada sarbatorilor)
before - before Easter (inainte de Pasti)
within - within an hour (intr-o ora)
up to - up to three hours a day (pana la 3 ore pe zi)
in - in the room (in camera), in the kitchen (in bucatarie), in the book (in carte), in the car (in masina)
at - at the concert (la concert), at the table (la masa), at the door (la usa), at school (la scoala)
on - on the first floor (la primul etaj), on the wall (pe perete), on the table (pe masa), on the plane (in avion), on the radio (la radio)
by, next to, beside - standing by the car (sta langa masina)
under - under the table (sub masa)
over - over the shirt (peste camasa), over the river (peste rau)
Alte prepozitii de loc:
after (dupa)
in front of (in fata)
among (printre)
behind (in spatele)
on to (pe)
from (din)
through - through the tunnel (prin tunel)
to - to the theatre (la teatru)
towards - towards the hospital (catre spital)
along - along the river (de-a lungul)
across - across the ocean (peste ocean)
past (langa)
about (prin)
around (in jurul)
Numeroase substantive, adjective si verbe se folosesc corect numai insotite de anumite prepozitii. Hai sa vedem impreuna cateva exemple:
belief in (credinta in)
concern for (preocupare pentru)
confusion about (confuzie cu privire la)
love of (dragoste de)
foundness for (toleranta pentru)
need for (nevoie de a)
reason for (motiv pentru)
success in (succes in)
respect for (respect pentru)
afraid of (frica de)
angry at (furios la)
aware of (constient de)
capable of (capabil de)
careless about (neatent la)
interested in (interesat de)
made of (fabricat din)
married to (casatorit cu)
proud of (mandru de)
sure of (sigur de)
ask about (a intreba despre)
bring up (a aduce)
find out (a afla)
look for (a cauta ceva)
look forward to (a astepta cu nerabdare sa)
grow up (a creste)
look up (a privi in sus)
make up (a alcatui)
pay for (a plati)
prepare for (a se pregati pentru)
talk about (a vorbi despre)
trust in (a crede in)
work for (a lucra pentru)
Aceeasi prepozitie poate implica frazelor din care face parte un inteles diferit de cel obisnuit. Cateva exemple:
in the street (pe strada)
in the playground (pe terenul de joaca)
in the sky (pe cer)
in the sun (la soare)
on the way to (in drum spre)
on the first floor (la etajul intai)
at this moment (in acest moment)
by my watch (dupa ceasul meu)
by heart (pe de rost)
by mistake (din greseala)
to go on a trip (a merge in excursie)
outside the garden (in fata gradinii)
to look out of the window (a privy pe fereastra)
at present (in prezent)
in all probability (dupa toate probabilitatile)
in a year's time (peste un an)
in the open air (la aer curat)