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Salut ma ajuta cineva va rog cu versurile astea sa le traduc ca nu prea inteleg sensul lor merci Cold stares stab me as I flatter those above me
Sweat drips down my back. Someone said "I hate you"

I try to praise that girl’s sickly-sweet voice as cute
I hate my laugh to death. Someone said "I hate you"

We can’t survive unless we paint black the beauty of living true to ourselves

Are you able to be happy for him? Don’t you want what she has?
Could it be you’re special? It’s me, why don’t you kill me?

I’m grotesque, can you love me? To be honest, you want to cry, don’t you?
Do you hold my pass for living today? It’s me, why don’t you kill me?

When I type ‘su’, my phone suggests the word ‘suimasen’
A heartless fingertip apology. Someone said "I hate you"

The bluer the sky, the softer the wind
The louder my sighs sound. Someone said "I hate you"

You say you’re living true to yourself but your eyes are lifeless

Do you like his unhappiness? Can you tell her what you really think?
Aren’t you sneering inside? It’s me, why don’t you kill me?

I’m grotesque, can you love me? To be honest, you’re happy, aren’t you?
Do you hold my pass for living tomorrow? It’s me, why don’t you kill me?

Come on, dig up my secrets and expose me

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