Heii! Poti spune ca ai fost angajat ca jurnalist la o revista foarte importanta si atunci ar trebui sa mentionezi ce fel de revista (fashion, sanatate etc.), care sunt criteriile dupa care lucrezi, poate si programul. Ai mai putea sa scrii despre faptul ca ai fost angajat ca manager la o firma si iar trebuie sa precizezi ce fel de firma ( nu neaparat numele ei) si cam la ce te astepti de la acest job. Orice ai alege mentioneaza si idealurile pe care le ai in viata si ce ai dori sa faci dupa acel job in caz ca este doar o pozitie de plecare. Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor.
Daca te-ai rugat asa frumos si coerent si ai si multumit cu anticipatie, sigur o sa-ti dea careva un plan
You were offered a job as a flight attendent. you have a lot of advantages, as a very good salary, your staying at the hotel will be paid by the company...as well as your food, but...you will be travelling from a country to another most of your time. of course, you'll have the opportunity to visit and find out new things about many countries and cultures.
Job: Sales Advisor
Detailes: you have to give product advice to customers and close sales. As a sales advisors you should have good listening skills, a strong customer service ethos, attention to detail and objection handling skills. Sales advisors should be target driven, motivated and focused to ensure sales targets are met.
Am scris in engleza ca sa iti fie mai usor Funda?
Ralucaandrada2006 întreabă: