Off:( Si mie imi pare rau. uite am mai cautat si am gasit niste povestioare foarte interesante uita-te peste ele si iti poti face o idee:)sau le-ai putea folosi chiar pe acestea:)
Ai putea sa incepi cu date exacte despre copilarie. uite aici niste exemple care mi se par foarte interesante mai ales ca sunt stiute de putina lume
Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence.In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood (learning to walk), early childhood (play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (post-puberty).
The term childhood is non-specific and can imply a varying range of years in human development. Developmentally, it refers to the period between infancy and adulthood. In common terms, childhood is considered to start from birth. Some consider that childhood, as a concept of play and innocence, ends at adolescence.
Developmental stages of childhood
Early childhood
Middle childhood
Modern concepts of childhood
The concept of childhood appears to evolve and change shape as lifestyles change and adult expectations alter. Some believe that children should not have any worries and should not have to work; life should be happy and trouble-free. Childhood is usually a mixture of happiness, wonder, angst and resilience. It is generally a time of playing, learning, socializing, exploring, and worrying in a world without much adult interference, aside from parents. It is a time of learning about responsibilities without having to deal with adult responsibilities.
Childhood is often retrospectively viewed as a time of innocence, which is generally viewed as a positive term, connoting an optimistic view of the world, in particular one where the lack of knowledge stems from a lack of wrongdoing, whereas greater knowledge comes from doing wrong. A "loss of innocence" is a common concept, and is often seen as an integral part of coming of age. It is usually thought of as an experience or period in a child's life that widens their awareness of evil, pain or the world around them. This theme is demonstrated in the novels To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies. The fictional character Peter Pan was the embodiment of a childhood that never ends.
La sfarsit poti adauga mici pareri personale la cele adaugate mai sus si va iesi ceva foarte frumos.cred ca va fi o idee unica. Multa bafta!:*
Hey. xD am avut si eu... si am scris despre cel mai bun prieten. si am incheiat cu fraza Friends matter much when you're a kid!
chiar i`a placut...
Singur ca pot
I`m a kid. and i love it! i have so much friends...but my best friend is one special guy. He is the one who showed me ihat being different is not a bad thing...
He is the one who showed me that being a crazy kid is not something to hide, and he is the one who thought me when i want to scream, i really can do it!
He wanted to make me understand that crayingdoes not solve anything. Better i try to discuss...
He wanted tomake me understand that feelings are not price.They have color...when i`m sad,he`s black. When i`m happy, he`s pink. when i`m undecided, he`s white.
He made me realize that when you smile at the sun you don`t play any game.That is an intense feeling. In that moment you feel like the whole world is in your hands.
He could look into my eyes and understand how i feel. I don`t know how, but he know when i`m sad, happy or scared.
When he look at me i feel how his warms surrounding me...
I can play this game with bare hands because i`m not afraid.He`s different.He`s like me: a crazy kid who can say who can say after five minutes after he met someone new "do you want to be my best friend?"
He change me. he make me to be who i am now. i mean.he convinced me to be myself.
Friends have a major influence on us.Friends matter much when you're a kid!
sper sa fie buna:* Ma e foarte complicata, dar are un impact major asupra profesorului felu` in care am scris`o. vroiam sa zic, ai scris`o.
Imi pare rau mmary dar nu pot sa iau de pe wiki pedia ca este un limbaj prea bine dezvoltat si isi va da seama
Andra, poti sa imi zici ceva din ce ai scris...sau altcineva ceva idei dar sa nu fie chiar asa de complicate cum e pe wiki pedia
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