| Curiosul999 a întrebat:

Va salut, am o mare dilema, deci cumva regele Nicolae al ll al Rusiei și regele George al V le-a al Regatului Unit cumva făceau parte din aceeași familie, mi se pare că seamănă f mult https://photos.app.goo.gl/p4391BBeq5suQe9y7

2 răspunsuri:
| IAmJustLuc a răspuns:

Nu, ei erau doar verișori

| LaSteauaCareaRasarit a răspuns:

Tsar Nicholas II was the cousin of King George V, who was the Queen's grandfather. George V's mother was Alexandra Princess of Wales, the sister of Nicholas' mother, Dagmar of Denmark. Tsar Nicholar and King George V were known for looking uncannily similar and had a close friendship.

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