Trilogia The Lord of the Rings
Seria Harry Potter
Pan's Labyrinth
Bridge to Terabithia.
47 Ronin (2013),Pacific Rim (2013),The Hobbit 1 și 2, Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Regele Maimuta - cel mai cretin fantastic film.
Immortals - la fel. as adauga si idiot.
ACŢIUNEeja Vu – Dincolo de trecut
ANIMAŢIE:The Pirate Fairy
BIOGRAFIC:Birdman of Alcatraz
COMEDIE:No se Aceptan Devoluciones
DRAGOSTE:Nicholas and Alexandra
PSIHOLOGIC:The Sixth Sense
(SF):Tremors –Tremors, creaturi ucigașe
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