| Brain_1291 a întrebat:

dau fundita celui care ma ajuta. caut un film horror mai vechi. am vazut un fragment de trailer candva si e foarte greu sa-l gasesc asa. e vorba de o fata care are ceva probleme. are o stare de frica foarte puternica, vede fetele oamenilor de pe strada mai demonice, nu stie ce se intampla cu ea, se gandeste ca e posedata; cred ca a intrat la un moment dat si in biserica dar e posibil sa se fi intamplat lucruri ciudate si acolo... in fine, cam asta e. daca va suna cunoscut spuneti-mi.

Răspuns Câştigător
| MindExplode a răspuns:

The exorcism of Emily Rose

4 răspunsuri:
| Alexandra8989 a răspuns:

Rank Rating Title Votes
1. 8.7 Psycho (1960) 162,683
2. 8.5 Alien (1979) 202,479
3. 8.5 The Shining (1980) 203,728
4. 8.1 The Thing (1982) 90,876
5. 8.1 Faust (1926) 4,915
6. 8.1 Nosferatu (1922) 31,575
7. 8.0 The Exorcist (1973) 119,356
8. 8.0 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 59,211
9. 8.0 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) 18,147
10. 8.0 King Kong (1933) 42,792
11. 8.0 Frankenstein (1931) 24,980
12. 8.0 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 16,655
13. 8.0 Dawn of the Dead (1978) 46,277
14. 8.0 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) 13,836
15. 8.0 Kwaidan (1964) 4,706
16. 8.0 Night of the Living Dead (1968) 42,859
17. 8.0 Onibaba (1964) 4,651
18. 8.0 Shaun of the Dead (2004) 150,295
19. 8.0 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 15,822
20. 7.9 The Innocents (1961) 7,736
21. 7.9 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) 4,523
22. 7.9 Halloween (1978) 69,118
23. 7.9 Freaks (1932) 15,264
24. 7.9 The Cremator (1969) 1,857
25. 7.9 The Unknown (1927) 2,839
26. 7.9 The Phantom Carriage (1921) 1,784
27. 7.9 The Birds (1963) 57,624
28. 7.9 Repulsion (1965) 14,483
29. 7.8 I Saw the Devil (2010) 6,297
30. 7.8 Eyes Without a Face (1960) 5,449
31. 7.8 The Man Who Laughs (1928) 1,578
32. 7.8 Evil Dead II (1987) 48,248
33. 7.8 Dead of Night (1945) 3,816
34. 7.8 Grindhouse (2007) 89,063
35. 7.8 Confessions (2010) 2,882
36. 7.8 The Invisible Man (1933) 8,531
37. 7.8 Peeping Tom (1960) 10,316
38. 7.8 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) 4,332
39. 7.7 Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922) 3,205
40. 7.7 Hour of the Wolf (1968) 5,140
41. 7.7 The Phantom of the Opera (1925) 6,163
42. 7.7 Zombieland (2009) 107,590
43. 7.7 Island of Lost Souls (1932) 1,596
44. 7.7 The Haunting (1963/I) 12,433
45. 7.7 The Wicker Man (1973) 22,264
46. 7.7 The Devils (1971) 3,259
47. 7.7 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) 4,095
48. 7.7 Saw (2004) 128,503
49. 7.7 Curse of the Demon (1957) 3,990
50. 7.7 [Rec] (2007) 42,426

Bottom Rated "Horror" Titles
Rank Rating Title Votes
1. 1.2 Ax 'Em (1992) 831
2. 1.4 Dead at the Box Office (2005) 538
3. 1.5 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) 20,687
4. 1.5 Daniel the Wizard (2004) 8,143
5. 1.5 Monster a-Go Go (1965) 3,201
6. 1.5 Cannibal (2007) 542
7. 1.6 Zombie Nation (2004) 4,181
8. 1.6 Unearthed (2004) 141
9. 1.7 Frankenstein Island (1981) 354
10. 1.7 The Final Sacrifice (1990) 2,233

| Ady3835 a răspuns:

Incearca The unborn si vezi daca e acest film poate te ajuta.

| Brain_1291 explică:

Nu e unborn... e mai vechi. cred ca e din 2003-2005.

| Brain_1291 explică:

Fata e la facultate... nu e Emily rose happy raspundeti doar daca ati vazut asemenea scene in film. si fara liste de pe imdb ca am cautat acolo vreo 4-5 ani si nu am gasit