Incearca-le pe astea:
- In July (2000)
"Im Juli." (original title)
- The Legend of Rita (2000)
"Die Stille nach dem Schuß" (original title)
- The State I Am In (2000)
"Die innere Sicherheit" (original title)
- Mostly Martha (2001)
"Bella Martha" (original title)
- The White Sound (2001)
"Das weiße Rauschen" (original title)
- The Edukators (2004)
"Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" (original title)
- Love in Thoughts (2004)
"Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken" (original
- Off Beat (2004)
"Kammerflimmern" (original title)
- The Lives of Others (2006)
"Das Leben der Anderen" (original title)
- Requiem (2006)
- The Coming Days (2010)
"Die kommenden Tage" (original title)
- If Not Us, Who? (2011)
"Wer wenn nicht wir" (original title)
- mai poti citi aici, dar ma indoiesc ca le vei gasi:
Multumesc foarte mult! O sa iti dau si voturi pentru raspuns
Cauta eragon. Am citit cartea si mi se pare grozava, am auzit ca filmul este in germana ^^
Mersi pentru raspuns. Ti-am dat vot
Oare cum ai dat de aceasta intrebare veche de 5 ani?