My sister's keeper,Not without my daughter,Hachiko:a dog story,The blind side,Melissa P,Schindler's List, The Pursuit of Happyness, A beautiful mind.
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown-cu Daniel Day-Lewis
Schindler's List-cu Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes
127 Hours-cu James Franco
Sophie's Choice-cu Meryl Streep
Frida-cu Salma Hayek
The Elephant Man-cu Anthony Hopkins
Blow-cu Penélope Cruz si Johnny Depp
The Pianist-cu Adrien Brody
Astea imi vin acum in minte si m-au si impresionat tocmai pentru ca sunt inspirate din cazuri reale.
Cel mai bun film inspirat din fapte reala este clar... Schindler's List(1993) si in general filmele despre Holocaust(cu nazisti) sunt inspirate din fapta reale!
Mai sunt bune si The Pursuit of Happyness, The Blind Side, Titanic, A Beautiful Mind si Ray(2004)!
The Brooke Ellison Story
Temple Grandin
Coco before Chanel
The soloist
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