Poti incerca urmatoarele :
No Strings Attached
Something Borrowed
The Change-Up
Crazy, Stupid, Love.
This Means War
Bad Teacher
Going The Distance
Horrible Bosses
Life As We Know It
Definitely, Maybe
New Year's Eve
One Day
In Time
The Back-Up Plan
Chalet Girl
Just Go With It
How Do You Kno
Eu nu am vazut filmul acesta, dar daca vrei un film cu adolescenti, iti recomand unul de dragoste, oarecum, care merita 100%, mie mi-a placut maaxim. Se numeste Tres metros sombre el cielo. Iar partea a doua se numeste Tengo ganas de ti! daca te hotarasti sa te uiti, sper ca o sa-ti placa.
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