Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights
The Tango Lesson
Center Stage
Take the lead
Save the last dance
White Nights
Shall we dance
Dance with me
Saturday night fever
Burlesque(e cu Christina Aguilera si Cher)
High School Musical (are mai multe parti)
Camp Rock
Camp Rock 2 the final jam
Pai. cu dans dans:
Jump in
Save the last dance
A time for dancing
Center stage
Ritmul strazii
Dancing Machine
Dance with Me
Dancer in the Dark
Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Dying to Dance
One Last Dance
Out of Step
Saturday Night Fever
Shall We Dance
How she move
Stomp the yard
White Nights
Take the lead
The Tango Lesson
Sper sa iti placa:*
De exemplu: Another Cindarella Story(este cu dans), Dirty Dancing, Step up 2 the Streets, Save the last dance, Shall we dance,
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