Titlu film Nota
1. Black Swan - Lebăda neagră (2010) 8.2
2. The Pacific (2010) 8.2
3. The King's Speech - Discursul regelui (2010) 8.1
4. Inception - Începutul (2010) 8
5. Never Let Me Go (2010) 7.9
6. Shutter Island (2010) 7.7
7. Alice in Wonderland - Alice în Tara Minunilor (2010) 7.5
8. The Fighter - Luptatorul (2010) 7.5
9. Buried - Ingropat de viu (2010) 7.5
10. 127 Hours - 127 de Ore (2010) 7.4
11. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II (2011) 7.4
13. True Grit - Adevaratul curaj (2010) 7.4
14. The Mechanic - Mecanicul (2011) 7.4
15. How to Train Your Dragon - Cum sa-ti dresezi dragonul (2010) 7.3
16. Hereafter - Hereafter: Dincolo de viata (2010) 7.3
17. Robin Hood (2010) 7.3
18. Despicable Me - Sunt un mic ticalos (2010) 7.3
19. The Town - Orasul (2010) 7.3
20. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
21. Extraordinary Measures (2010) 7.3
22. Toy Story 3 - Povestea jucariilor 3 (2010) 7.2
23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I (2010) 7.2
24. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - Legende din regatul bufnitelor (2010) 7.2
25. From Paris with Love (2010) 7.1
26. The Ghost Writer - Marioneta (2010) 7.1
27. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010) 7.1
28. I Am Number Four - Numărul patru (2011) 7
29. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son - Acasa la Coana Mare 3 (2011) 7
30. Megamind (2010) 7
31. Unstoppable - De neoprit (2010) 7
32. Green Zone - Zona verde (2010) 7
33. Centurion (2010) 7
34. Saw 3D (2010) 7
35. Red - Greu de pensionat (2010) 7
36. Shrek Forever After - Shrek pentru totdeauna (2010) 6.9
37. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Wall Street: Banii sunt facuti sa circule (2010) 6.9
38. Remember Me (2010) 6.9
39. The Social Network - Reteaua de Socializare (2010) 6.9
40. Iron Man 2 (2010) 6.9
41. Clash of the Titans (2010) 6.9
42. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010) 6.9
43. The Book of Eli (2010) 6.9
44. Frozen (2010) 6.9
45. Jurassic Park IV (2010) 6.9
46. The Tourist - Turistul (2010) 6.9
47. The Next Three Days - 3 zile de cosmar (2010) 6.8
48. The Kids Are All Right - Copiii sunt bine-mersi (2010) 6.8
49. Dear John (2010) 6.8
50. Grown Ups - Oameni mari si fara minte (2010) 6.8
51. Repo Men (2010) 6.8
52. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Percy Jackson si olimpienii: Hotul fulgerului (2010) 6.8
53. You Don't Know Jack (2010) 6.8
54. Knight and Day - Intalnire exploziva (2010) 6.8
55. Easy A - Pacatoasa (2010) 6.7
56. Kick-Ass (2010) 6.7
57. Valentine's Day (2010) 6.7
58. Dinner for Schmucks - Cina pentru fraieri (2010) 6.7
59. Salt (2010) 6.7
60. Edge of Darkness - Scapat se sub control (2010) 6.7
61. The A-Team - Echipa de soc (2010) 6.7
62. Eclipse - Saga Amurg: Eclipsa (2010) 6.7
63. The Spy Next Door (2010) 6.6
64. TRON: Legacy - TRON: Mostenirea (2010) 6.6
65. Cop Out (2010) 6.6
66. Date Night (2010) 6.6
67. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Cronicile din Narnia: Calatorie pe mare cu Zori de zi (2010) 6.6
68. Shelter (2010) 6.6
69. Season of the Witch - Anotimpul Vrajitoarei (2010) 6.6
70. The Bounty Hunter (2010) 6.6
71. Step Up 3D - Dansul dragostei 3D (2010) 6.6
72. You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger - Vei intalni strainul din visele tale (2010) 6.5
73. Marmaduke (2010) 6.5
74. Letters to Juliet (2010) 6.5
75. Due Date - Sorocul (2010) 6.5
76. The Expendables - Eroi de sacrificiu (2010) 6.5
77. Just Wright - Perfect pentru tine (2010) 6.5
78. Wild Target - Punct ochit, punct lovit (2010) 6.5
79. The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Ucenicul vrajitor (2010) 6.5
80. Love and Other Drugs - Dragoste si alte dependente (2010) 6.5
81. The Last Song (2010) 6.5
82. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 6.5
83. The Losers (2010) 6.4
84. Let Me In (2010) 6.4
85. Undisputed III: Redemption (2010) 6.4
86. Devil - Demon (2010) 6.4
87. The Karate Kid (2010) 6.4
88. The Switch (2010) 6.4
89. Leap Year (2010) 6.4
90. Jonah Hex (2010) 6.3
91. The Runaways (2010) 6.3
92. Eat Pray Love - Mananca roaga-te iubeste (2010) 6.3
93. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang - Nanny McPhee - Marea infruntare (2010) 6.3
94. Paranormal Activity 2 - Activitate paranormala 2 (2010) 6.3
95. Predators (2010) 6.3
96. Morning Glory - Matinal cu scandal (2010) 6.2
97. Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier (2010) 6.2
98. You Again - Tu, din nou! (2010) 6.2
99. Unthinkable (2010) 6.2
100. The Back-up Plan - Plan de rezerva (2010)
1. Inherit the Wind - Procesul maimutelor (1960) 8.4
2. La piovra (1984) 8.3
3. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8.1
4. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
5. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 8
6. Fucking Åmål (1998) 7.9
7. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 7.8
8. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 7.8
9. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
10. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.7
11. Beauty and the Beast - Frumoasa si Bestia (1991) 7.7
12. Troy - Troia (2004) 7.7
13. If Only (2004) 7.7
14. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 7.7
15. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
16. Bambi (1942) 7.7
17. Shrek (2001) 7.7
18. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
19. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 7.6
20. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.6
21. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 7.6
22. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 7.6
23. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 7.6
24. Titanic (1997) 7.6
25. The Four Musketeers - Cei patru muschetari (1974) 7.6
26. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 7.6
27. Memoirs of a Geisha - Memoriile unei Gheise (2005) 7.6
28. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 7.5
29. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 7.5
30. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 7.5
31. A Walk to Remember - O iubire de neuitat (2002) 7.5
32. The Last of the Mohicans - Ultimul Mohican (1992) 7.5
33. Deja Vu - Dincolo de trecut (2006) 7.4
34. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 7.4
35. Slumdog Millionaire - Vagabondul milionar (2008) 7.4
36. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1992) 7.4
37. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 7.4
38. Mr. Nobody (2009) 7.4
39. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
40. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 7.4
41. City of Angels - Ingerul Pazitor (1998) 7.4
42. Friends (1994) 7.4
43. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 7.4
44. Rocky (1976) 7.3
45. Modern Times - Timpuri noi (1936) 7.3
46. Pearl Harbor (2001) 7.3
47. Titanic (1996) 7.3
48. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 7.3
49. The Tudors - Dinastia Tudorilor (2007) 7.3
50. Dirty Dancing (1987) 7.3
51. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 7.3
52. Bonnie and Clyde - Bonnie si Clyde (1967) 7.3
53. Love Story (1970) 7.3
54. Rome (2005) 7.3
55. Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 7.3
56. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 7.3
57. First Knight - Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995) 7.3
58. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1939) 7.3
59. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
60. The Pink Panther - Pantera roz (1963) 7.3
61. Pay It Forward - Da mai departe! (2000) 7.3
62. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003) 7.3
63. The Remains of the Day - Ramasitele zilei (1993) 7.3
64. Liceenii (1987) 7.2
65. Cold Mountain (2003) 7.2
66. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981) 7.2
67. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Alba ca Zapada si cei sapte pitici (1937) 7.2
68. The Lion King - Regele Leu (1994) 7.2
69. Barefoot in the Park - Descult in parc (1967) 7.2
70. The Birds - Pasarile (1963) 7.2
71. Splendor in the Grass - Splendoare in iarba (1961) 7.2
72. Mozart and the Whale - Te iubesc la nebunie (2005) 7.2
73. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 7.2
74. Misérables, Les - Mizerabilii (1998) 7.2
75. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008)
76. Great Expectations - Marile Sperante (1998)
77. Cars - Masini (2006)
78. Twin Peaks (1990)
79. The Mask of Zorro - Masca lui Zorro (1998)
80. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Cum sa scapi de un tip in 10 zile (2003)
81. Leaving Las Vegas - Parasind Las Vegas-ul (1995)
82. Anger Management - Al naibii tratament! (2003)
83. The English Patient - Pacientul englez (1996)
84. Kate & Leopold - Kate si Leopold (2001)
85. Top Gun (1986)
86. Enemy at the Gates - Inamicul e aproape (2001)
87. My Fair Lady (1964)
88. The Lake House - Casa de langa lac (2006)
89. Corpse Bride - Mireasa moarta (2005)
90. Vertigo (1958)
91. Conspiracy Theory - Teoria conspiratiei (1997)
92. Notting Hill (1999)
93. Ben-Hur (1959)
94. Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Dl. si Dna. Smith (2005)
95. Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005)
96. Cleopatra (1963)
97. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010)
98. Forever Young - Pururea tanar (1992)
99. Step Up - Dansul dragostei (2006)
100. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Mic dejun la Tiffany (1961)
De comedii nu-ti mai zic ca sigur cei ce au raspuns inaintea mea ti-au dat o multime. Daca vrei sa vezi 2 filme psihologice ( cu tenta horror) iti recomand Shutter Island si 1408.
Buna! Remember me toata lumea stie filmul, mai ales fanii lui Robert Pattison.:)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Neo6W1f7hyY&feature=feedlik (este si carte)
filme psihologice:http://www.filmoteca.ro/filme/gen-psihologic
Titlu film Nota
1. Black Swan - Lebăda neagră (2010) 8.2
2. The Pacific (2010) 8.2
3. The King's Speech - Discursul regelui (2010) 8.1
4. Inception - Începutul (2010) 8
5. Never Let Me Go (2010) 7.9
6. Shutter Island (2010) 7.7
7. Alice in Wonderland - Alice în Tara Minunilor (2010) 7.5
8. The Fighter - Luptatorul (2010) 7.5
9. Buried - Ingropat de viu (2010) 7.5
10. 127 Hours - 127 de Ore (2010) 7.4
11. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II (2011) 7.4
13. True Grit - Adevaratul curaj (2010) 7.4
14. The Mechanic - Mecanicul (2011) 7.4
15. How to Train Your Dragon - Cum sa-ti dresezi dragonul (2010) 7.3
16. Hereafter - Hereafter: Dincolo de viata (2010) 7.3
17. Robin Hood (2010) 7.3
18. Despicable Me - Sunt un mic ticalos (2010) 7.3
19. The Town - Orasul (2010) 7.3
20. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
21. Extraordinary Measures (2010) 7.3
22. Toy Story 3 - Povestea jucariilor 3 (2010) 7.2
23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I (2010) 7.2
24. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - Legende din regatul bufnitelor (2010) 7.2
25. From Paris with Love (2010) 7.1
26. The Ghost Writer - Marioneta (2010) 7.1
27. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010) 7.1
28. I Am Number Four - Numărul patru (2011) 7
29. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son - Acasa la Coana Mare 3 (2011) 7
30. Megamind (2010) 7
31. Unstoppable - De neoprit (2010) 7
32. Green Zone - Zona verde (2010) 7
33. Centurion (2010) 7
34. Saw 3D (2010) 7
35. Red - Greu de pensionat (2010) 7
36. Shrek Forever After - Shrek pentru totdeauna (2010) 6.9
37. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Wall Street: Banii sunt facuti sa circule (2010) 6.9
38. Remember Me (2010) 6.9
39. The Social Network - Reteaua de Socializare (2010) 6.9
40. Iron Man 2 (2010) 6.9
41. Clash of the Titans (2010) 6.9
42. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010) 6.9
43. The Book of Eli (2010) 6.9
44. Frozen (2010) 6.9
45. Jurassic Park IV (2010) 6.9
46. The Tourist - Turistul (2010) 6.9
47. The Next Three Days - 3 zile de cosmar (2010) 6.8
48. The Kids Are All Right - Copiii sunt bine-mersi (2010) 6.8
49. Dear John (2010) 6.8
50. Grown Ups - Oameni mari si fara minte (2010) 6.8
51. Repo Men (2010) 6.8
52. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Percy Jackson si olimpienii: Hotul fulgerului (2010) 6.8
53. You Don't Know Jack (2010) 6.8
54. Knight and Day - Intalnire exploziva (2010) 6.8
55. Easy A - Pacatoasa (2010) 6.7
56. Kick-Ass (2010) 6.7
57. Valentine's Day (2010) 6.7
58. Dinner for Schmucks - Cina pentru fraieri (2010) 6.7
59. Salt (2010) 6.7
60. Edge of Darkness - Scapat se sub control (2010) 6.7
61. The A-Team - Echipa de soc (2010) 6.7
62. Eclipse - Saga Amurg: Eclipsa (2010) 6.7
63. The Spy Next Door (2010) 6.6
64. TRON: Legacy - TRON: Mostenirea (2010) 6.6
65. Cop Out (2010) 6.6
66. Date Night (2010) 6.6
67. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Cronicile din Narnia: Calatorie pe mare cu Zori de zi (2010) 6.6
68. Shelter (2010) 6.6
69. Season of the Witch - Anotimpul Vrajitoarei (2010) 6.6
70. The Bounty Hunter (2010) 6.6
71. Step Up 3D - Dansul dragostei 3D (2010) 6.6
72. You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger - Vei intalni strainul din visele tale (2010) 6.5
73. Marmaduke (2010) 6.5
74. Letters to Juliet (2010) 6.5
75. Due Date - Sorocul (2010) 6.5
76. The Expendables - Eroi de sacrificiu (2010) 6.5
77. Just Wright - Perfect pentru tine (2010) 6.5
78. Wild Target - Punct ochit, punct lovit (2010) 6.5
79. The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Ucenicul vrajitor (2010) 6.5
80. Love and Other Drugs - Dragoste si alte dependente (2010) 6.5
81. The Last Song (2010) 6.5
82. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 6.5
83. The Losers (2010) 6.4
84. Let Me In (2010) 6.4
85. Undisputed III: Redemption (2010) 6.4
86. Devil - Demon (2010) 6.4
87. The Karate Kid (2010) 6.4
88. The Switch (2010) 6.4
89. Leap Year (2010) 6.4
90. Jonah Hex (2010) 6.3
91. The Runaways (2010) 6.3
92. Eat Pray Love - Mananca roaga-te iubeste (2010) 6.3
93. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang - Nanny McPhee - Marea infruntare (2010) 6.3
94. Paranormal Activity 2 - Activitate paranormala 2 (2010) 6.3
95. Predators (2010) 6.3
96. Morning Glory - Matinal cu scandal (2010) 6.2
97. Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier (2010) 6.2
98. You Again - Tu, din nou! (2010) 6.2
99. Unthinkable (2010) 6.2
100. The Back-up Plan - Plan de rezerva (2010)
1. Inherit the Wind - Procesul maimutelor (1960) 8.4
2. La piovra (1984) 8.3
3. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8.1
4. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
5. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 8
6. Fucking Åmål (1998) 7.9
7. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 7.8
8. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 7.8
9. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
10. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.7
11. Beauty and the Beast - Frumoasa si Bestia (1991) 7.7
12. Troy - Troia (2004) 7.7
13. If Only (2004) 7.7
14. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 7.7
15. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
16. Bambi (1942) 7.7
17. Shrek (2001) 7.7
18. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
19. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 7.6
20. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.6
21. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 7.6
22. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 7.6
23. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 7.6
24. Titanic (1997) 7.6
25. The Four Musketeers - Cei patru muschetari (1974) 7.6
26. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 7.6
27. Memoirs of a Geisha - Memoriile unei Gheise (2005) 7.6
28. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 7.5
29. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 7.5
30. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 7.5
31. A Walk to Remember - O iubire de neuitat (2002) 7.5
32. The Last of the Mohicans - Ultimul Mohican (1992) 7.5
33. Deja Vu - Dincolo de trecut (2006) 7.4
34. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 7.4
35. Slumdog Millionaire - Vagabondul milionar (2008) 7.4
36. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1992) 7.4
37. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 7.4
38. Mr. Nobody (2009) 7.4
39. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
40. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 7.4
41. City of Angels - Ingerul Pazitor (1998) 7.4
42. Friends (1994) 7.4
43. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 7.4
44. Rocky (1976) 7.3
45. Modern Times - Timpuri noi (1936) 7.3
46. Pearl Harbor (2001) 7.3
47. Titanic (1996) 7.3
48. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 7.3
49. The Tudors - Dinastia Tudorilor (2007) 7.3
50. Dirty Dancing (1987) 7.3
51. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 7.3
52. Bonnie and Clyde - Bonnie si Clyde (1967) 7.3
53. Love Story (1970) 7.3
54. Rome (2005) 7.3
55. Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 7.3
56. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 7.3
57. First Knight - Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995) 7.3
58. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1939) 7.3
59. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
60. The Pink Panther - Pantera roz (1963) 7.3
61. Pay It Forward - Da mai departe! (2000) 7.3
62. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003) 7.3
63. The Remains of the Day - Ramasitele zilei (1993) 7.3
64. Liceenii (1987) 7.2
65. Cold Mountain (2003) 7.2
66. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981) 7.2
67. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Alba ca Zapada si cei sapte pitici (1937) 7.2
68. The Lion King - Regele Leu (1994) 7.2
69. Barefoot in the Park - Descult in parc (1967) 7.2
70. The Birds - Pasarile (1963) 7.2
71. Splendor in the Grass - Splendoare in iarba (1961) 7.2
72. Mozart and the Whale - Te iubesc la nebunie (2005) 7.2
73. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 7.2
74. Misérables, Les - Mizerabilii (1998) 7.2
75. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008)
76. Great Expectations - Marile Sperante (1998)
77. Cars - Masini (2006)
78. Twin Peaks (1990)
79. The Mask of Zorro - Masca lui Zorro (1998)
80. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Cum sa scapi de un tip in 10 zile (2003)
81. Leaving Las Vegas - Parasind Las Vegas-ul (1995)
82. Anger Management - Al naibii tratament! (2003)
83. The English Patient - Pacientul englez (1996)
84. Kate & Leopold - Kate si Leopold (2001)
85. Top Gun (1986)
86. Enemy at the Gates - Inamicul e aproape (2001)
87. My Fair Lady (1964)
88. The Lake House - Casa de langa lac (2006)
89. Corpse Bride - Mireasa moarta (2005)
90. Vertigo (1958)
91. Conspiracy Theory - Teoria conspiratiei (1997)
92. Notting Hill (1999)
93. Ben-Hur (1959)
94. Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Dl. si Dna. Smith (2005)
95. Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005)
96. Cleopatra (1963)
97. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010)
98. Forever Young - Pururea tanar (1992)
99. Step Up - Dansul dragostei (2006)
100. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Mic dejun la Tiffany (1961)
1. Black Swan - Lebăda neagră (2010) 8.2
2. The Pacific (2010) 8.2
3. The King's Speech - Discursul regelui (2010) 8.1
4. Inception - Începutul (2010) 8
5. Never Let Me Go (2010) 7.9
6. Shutter Island (2010) 7.7
7. Alice in Wonderland - Alice în Tara Minunilor (2010) 7.5
8. The Fighter - Luptatorul (2010) 7.5
9. Buried - Ingropat de viu (2010) 7.5
10. 127 Hours - 127 de Ore (2010) 7.4
11. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II (2011) 7.4
13. True Grit - Adevaratul curaj (2010) 7.4
14. The Mechanic - Mecanicul (2011) 7.4
15. How to Train Your Dragon - Cum sa-ti dresezi dragonul (2010) 7.3
16. Hereafter - Hereafter: Dincolo de viata (2010) 7.3
17. Robin Hood (2010) 7.3
18. Despicable Me - Sunt un mic ticalos (2010) 7.3
19. The Town - Orasul (2010) 7.3
20. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
21. Extraordinary Measures (2010) 7.3
22. Toy Story 3 - Povestea jucariilor 3 (2010) 7.2
23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I (2010) 7.2
24. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - Legende din regatul bufnitelor (2010) 7.2
25. From Paris with Love (2010) 7.1
26. The Ghost Writer - Marioneta (2010) 7.1
27. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010) 7.1
28. I Am Number Four - Numărul patru (2011) 7
29. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son - Acasa la Coana Mare 3 (2011) 7
30. Megamind (2010) 7
31. Unstoppable - De neoprit (2010) 7
32. Green Zone - Zona verde (2010) 7
33. Centurion (2010) 7
34. Saw 3D (2010) 7
35. Red - Greu de pensionat (2010) 7
36. Shrek Forever After - Shrek pentru totdeauna (2010) 6.9
37. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Wall Street: Banii sunt facuti sa circule (2010) 6.9
38. Remember Me (2010) 6.9
39. The Social Network - Reteaua de Socializare (2010) 6.9
40. Iron Man 2 (2010) 6.9
41. Clash of the Titans (2010) 6.9
42. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010) 6.9
43. The Book of Eli (2010) 6.9
44. Frozen (2010) 6.9
45. Jurassic Park IV (2010) 6.9
46. The Tourist - Turistul (2010) 6.9
47. The Next Three Days - 3 zile de cosmar (2010) 6.8
48. The Kids Are All Right - Copiii sunt bine-mersi (2010) 6.8
49. Dear John (2010) 6.8
50. Grown Ups - Oameni mari si fara minte (2010) 6.8
51. Repo Men (2010) 6.8
52. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Percy Jackson si olimpienii: Hotul fulgerului (2010) 6.8
53. You Don't Know Jack (2010) 6.8
54. Knight and Day - Intalnire exploziva (2010) 6.8
55. Easy A - Pacatoasa (2010) 6.7
56. Kick-Ass (2010) 6.7
57. Valentine's Day (2010) 6.7
58. Dinner for Schmucks - Cina pentru fraieri (2010) 6.7
59. Salt (2010) 6.7
60. Edge of Darkness - Scapat se sub control (2010) 6.7
61. The A-Team - Echipa de soc (2010) 6.7
62. Eclipse - Saga Amurg: Eclipsa (2010) 6.7
63. The Spy Next Door (2010) 6.6
64. TRON: Legacy - TRON: Mostenirea (2010) 6.6
65. Cop Out (2010) 6.6
66. Date Night (2010) 6.6
67. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Cronicile din Narnia: Calatorie pe mare cu Zori de zi (2010) 6.6
68. Shelter (2010) 6.6
69. Season of the Witch - Anotimpul Vrajitoarei (2010) 6.6
70. The Bounty Hunter (2010) 6.6
71. Step Up 3D - Dansul dragostei 3D (2010) 6.6
72. You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger - Vei intalni strainul din visele tale (2010) 6.5
73. Marmaduke (2010) 6.5
74. Letters to Juliet (2010) 6.5
75. Due Date - Sorocul (2010) 6.5
76. The Expendables - Eroi de sacrificiu (2010) 6.5
77. Just Wright - Perfect pentru tine (2010) 6.5
78. Wild Target - Punct ochit, punct lovit (2010) 6.5
79. The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Ucenicul vrajitor (2010) 6.5
80. Love and Other Drugs - Dragoste si alte dependente (2010) 6.5
81. The Last Song (2010) 6.5
82. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 6.5
83. The Losers (2010) 6.4
84. Let Me In (2010) 6.4
85. Undisputed III: Redemption (2010) 6.4
86. Devil - Demon (2010) 6.4
87. The Karate Kid (2010) 6.4
88. The Switch (2010) 6.4
89. Leap Year (2010) 6.4
90. Jonah Hex (2010) 6.3
91. The Runaways (2010) 6.3
92. Eat Pray Love - Mananca roaga-te iubeste (2010) 6.3
93. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang - Nanny McPhee - Marea infruntare (2010) 6.3
94. Paranormal Activity 2 - Activitate paranormala 2 (2010) 6.3
95. Predators (2010) 6.3
96. Morning Glory - Matinal cu scandal (2010) 6.2
97. Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier (2010) 6.2
98. You Again - Tu, din nou! (2010) 6.2
99. Unthinkable (2010) 6.2
100. The Back-up Plan - Plan de rezerva (2010)
1. Inherit the Wind - Procesul maimutelor (1960) 8.4
2. La piovra (1984) 8.3
3. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8.1
4. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
5. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 8
6. Fucking Åmål (1998) 7.9
7. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 7.8
8. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 7.8
9. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
10. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.7
11. Beauty and the Beast - Frumoasa si Bestia (1991) 7.7
12. Troy - Troia (2004) 7.7
13. If Only (2004) 7.7
14. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 7.7
15. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
16. Bambi (1942) 7.7
17. Shrek (2001) 7.7
18. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
19. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 7.6
20. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.6
21. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 7.6
22. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 7.6
23. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 7.6
24. Titanic (1997) 7.6
25. The Four Musketeers - Cei patru muschetari (1974) 7.6
26. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 7.6
27. Memoirs of a Geisha - Memoriile unei Gheise (2005) 7.6
28. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 7.5
29. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 7.5
30. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 7.5
31. A Walk to Remember - O iubire de neuitat (2002) 7.5
32. The Last of the Mohicans - Ultimul Mohican (1992) 7.5
33. Deja Vu - Dincolo de trecut (2006) 7.4
34. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 7.4
35. Slumdog Millionaire - Vagabondul milionar (2008) 7.4
36. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1992) 7.4
37. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 7.4
38. Mr. Nobody (2009) 7.4
39. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
40. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 7.4
41. City of Angels - Ingerul Pazitor (1998) 7.4
42. Friends (1994) 7.4
43. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 7.4
44. Rocky (1976) 7.3
45. Modern Times - Timpuri noi (1936) 7.3
46. Pearl Harbor (2001) 7.3
47. Titanic (1996) 7.3
48. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 7.3
49. The Tudors - Dinastia Tudorilor (2007) 7.3
50. Dirty Dancing (1987) 7.3
51. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 7.3
52. Bonnie and Clyde - Bonnie si Clyde (1967) 7.3
53. Love Story (1970) 7.3
54. Rome (2005) 7.3
55. Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 7.3
56. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 7.3
57. First Knight - Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995) 7.3
58. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1939) 7.3
59. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
60. The Pink Panther - Pantera roz (1963) 7.3
61. Pay It Forward - Da mai departe! (2000) 7.3
62. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003) 7.3
63. The Remains of the Day - Ramasitele zilei (1993) 7.3
64. Liceenii (1987) 7.2
65. Cold Mountain (2003) 7.2
66. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981) 7.2
67. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Alba ca Zapada si cei sapte pitici (1937) 7.2
68. The Lion King - Regele Leu (1994) 7.2
69. Barefoot in the Park - Descult in parc (1967) 7.2
70. The Birds - Pasarile (1963) 7.2
71. Splendor in the Grass - Splendoare in iarba (1961) 7.2
72. Mozart and the Whale - Te iubesc la nebunie (2005) 7.2
73. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 7.2
74. Misérables, Les - Mizerabilii (1998) 7.2
75. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008)
76. Great Expectations - Marile Sperante (1998)
77. Cars - Masini (2006)
78. Twin Peaks (1990)
79. The Mask of Zorro - Masca lui Zorro (1998)
80. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Cum sa scapi de un tip in 10 zile (2003)
81. Leaving Las Vegas - Parasind Las Vegas-ul (1995)
82. Anger Management - Al naibii tratament! (2003)
83. The English Patient - Pacientul englez (1996)
84. Kate & Leopold - Kate si Leopold (2001)
85. Top Gun (1986)
86. Enemy at the Gates - Inamicul e aproape (2001)
87. My Fair Lady (1964)
88. The Lake House - Casa de langa lac (2006)
89. Corpse Bride - Mireasa moarta (2005)
90. Vertigo (1958)
91. Conspiracy Theory - Teoria conspiratiei (1997)
92. Notting Hill (1999)
93. Ben-Hur (1959)
94. Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Dl. si Dna. Smith (2005)
95. Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005)
96. Cleopatra (1963)
97. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010)
98. Forever Young - Pururea tanar (1992)
99. Step Up - Dansul dragostei (2006)
100. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Mic dejun la Tiffany (1961)
1. Black Swan - Lebăda neagră (2010) 8.2
2. The Pacific (2010) 8.2
3. The King's Speech - Discursul regelui (2010) 8.1
4. Inception - Începutul (2010) 8
5. Never Let Me Go (2010) 7.9
6. Shutter Island (2010) 7.7
7. Alice in Wonderland - Alice în Tara Minunilor (2010) 7.5
8. The Fighter - Luptatorul (2010) 7.5
9. Buried - Ingropat de viu (2010) 7.5
10. 127 Hours - 127 de Ore (2010) 7.4
11. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II (2011) 7.4
13. True Grit - Adevaratul curaj (2010) 7.4
14. The Mechanic - Mecanicul (2011) 7.4
15. How to Train Your Dragon - Cum sa-ti dresezi dragonul (2010) 7.3
16. Hereafter - Hereafter: Dincolo de viata (2010) 7.3
17. Robin Hood (2010) 7.3
18. Despicable Me - Sunt un mic ticalos (2010) 7.3
19. The Town - Orasul (2010) 7.3
20. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
21. Extraordinary Measures (2010) 7.3
22. Toy Story 3 - Povestea jucariilor 3 (2010) 7.2
23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I (2010) 7.2
24. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - Legende din regatul bufnitelor (2010) 7.2
25. From Paris with Love (2010) 7.1
26. The Ghost Writer - Marioneta (2010) 7.1
27. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010) 7.1
28. I Am Number Four - Numărul patru (2011) 7
29. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son - Acasa la Coana Mare 3 (2011) 7
30. Megamind (2010) 7
31. Unstoppable - De neoprit (2010) 7
32. Green Zone - Zona verde (2010) 7
33. Centurion (2010) 7
34. Saw 3D (2010) 7
35. Red - Greu de pensionat (2010) 7
36. Shrek Forever After - Shrek pentru totdeauna (2010) 6.9
37. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Wall Street: Banii sunt facuti sa circule (2010) 6.9
38. Remember Me (2010) 6.9
39. The Social Network - Reteaua de Socializare (2010) 6.9
40. Iron Man 2 (2010) 6.9
41. Clash of the Titans (2010) 6.9
42. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010) 6.9
43. The Book of Eli (2010) 6.9
44. Frozen (2010) 6.9
45. Jurassic Park IV (2010) 6.9
46. The Tourist - Turistul (2010) 6.9
47. The Next Three Days - 3 zile de cosmar (2010) 6.8
48. The Kids Are All Right - Copiii sunt bine-mersi (2010) 6.8
49. Dear John (2010) 6.8
50. Grown Ups - Oameni mari si fara minte (2010) 6.8
51. Repo Men (2010) 6.8
52. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Percy Jackson si olimpienii: Hotul fulgerului (2010) 6.8
53. You Don't Know Jack (2010) 6.8
54. Knight and Day - Intalnire exploziva (2010) 6.8
55. Easy A - Pacatoasa (2010) 6.7
56. Kick-Ass (2010) 6.7
57. Valentine's Day (2010) 6.7
58. Dinner for Schmucks - Cina pentru fraieri (2010) 6.7
59. Salt (2010) 6.7
60. Edge of Darkness - Scapat se sub control (2010) 6.7
61. The A-Team - Echipa de soc (2010) 6.7
62. Eclipse - Saga Amurg: Eclipsa (2010) 6.7
63. The Spy Next Door (2010) 6.6
64. TRON: Legacy - TRON: Mostenirea (2010) 6.6
65. Cop Out (2010) 6.6
66. Date Night (2010) 6.6
67. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Cronicile din Narnia: Calatorie pe mare cu Zori de zi (2010) 6.6
68. Shelter (2010) 6.6
69. Season of the Witch - Anotimpul Vrajitoarei (2010) 6.6
70. The Bounty Hunter (2010) 6.6
71. Step Up 3D - Dansul dragostei 3D (2010) 6.6
72. You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger - Vei intalni strainul din visele tale (2010) 6.5
73. Marmaduke (2010) 6.5
74. Letters to Juliet (2010) 6.5
75. Due Date - Sorocul (2010) 6.5
76. The Expendables - Eroi de sacrificiu (2010) 6.5
77. Just Wright - Perfect pentru tine (2010) 6.5
78. Wild Target - Punct ochit, punct lovit (2010) 6.5
79. The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Ucenicul vrajitor (2010) 6.5
80. Love and Other Drugs - Dragoste si alte dependente (2010) 6.5
81. The Last Song (2010) 6.5
82. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 6.5
83. The Losers (2010) 6.4
84. Let Me In (2010) 6.4
85. Undisputed III: Redemption (2010) 6.4
86. Devil - Demon (2010) 6.4
87. The Karate Kid (2010) 6.4
88. The Switch (2010) 6.4
89. Leap Year (2010) 6.4
90. Jonah Hex (2010) 6.3
91. The Runaways (2010) 6.3
92. Eat Pray Love - Mananca roaga-te iubeste (2010) 6.3
93. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang - Nanny McPhee - Marea infruntare (2010) 6.3
94. Paranormal Activity 2 - Activitate paranormala 2 (2010) 6.3
95. Predators (2010) 6.3
96. Morning Glory - Matinal cu scandal (2010) 6.2
97. Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier (2010) 6.2
98. You Again - Tu, din nou! (2010) 6.2
99. Unthinkable (2010) 6.2
100. The Back-up Plan - Plan de rezerva (2010)
1. Inherit the Wind - Procesul maimutelor (1960) 8.4
2. La piovra (1984) 8.3
3. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8.1
4. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
5. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 8
6. Fucking Åmål (1998) 7.9
7. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 7.8
8. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 7.8
9. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
10. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.7
11. Beauty and the Beast - Frumoasa si Bestia (1991) 7.7
12. Troy - Troia (2004) 7.7
13. If Only (2004) 7.7
14. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 7.7
15. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
16. Bambi (1942) 7.7
17. Shrek (2001) 7.7
18. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
19. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 7.6
20. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.6
21. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 7.6
22. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 7.6
23. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 7.6
24. Titanic (1997) 7.6
25. The Four Musketeers - Cei patru muschetari (1974) 7.6
26. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 7.6
27. Memoirs of a Geisha - Memoriile unei Gheise (2005) 7.6
28. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 7.5
29. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 7.5
30. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 7.5
31. A Walk to Remember - O iubire de neuitat (2002) 7.5
32. The Last of the Mohicans - Ultimul Mohican (1992) 7.5
33. Deja Vu - Dincolo de trecut (2006) 7.4
34. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 7.4
35. Slumdog Millionaire - Vagabondul milionar (2008) 7.4
36. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1992) 7.4
37. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 7.4
38. Mr. Nobody (2009) 7.4
39. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 7.4
40. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 7.4
41. City of Angels - Ingerul Pazitor (1998) 7.4
42. Friends (1994) 7.4
43. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 7.4
44. Rocky (1976) 7.3
45. Modern Times - Timpuri noi (1936) 7.3
46. Pearl Harbor (2001) 7.3
47. Titanic (1996) 7.3
48. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 7.3
49. The Tudors - Dinastia Tudorilor (2007) 7.3
50. Dirty Dancing (1987) 7.3
51. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 7.3
52. Bonnie and Clyde - Bonnie si Clyde (1967) 7.3
53. Love Story (1970) 7.3
54. Rome (2005) 7.3
55. Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 7.3
56. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 7.3
57. First Knight - Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995) 7.3
58. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1939) 7.3
59. Burlesque - Burlesque - Vis împlinit (2010) 7.3
60. The Pink Panther - Pantera roz (1963) 7.3
61. Pay It Forward - Da mai departe! (2000) 7.3
62. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003) 7.3
63. The Remains of the Day - Ramasitele zilei (1993) 7.3
64. Liceenii (1987) 7.2
65. Cold Mountain (2003) 7.2
66. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981) 7.2
67. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Alba ca Zapada si cei sapte pitici (1937) 7.2
68. The Lion King - Regele Leu (1994) 7.2
69. Barefoot in the Park - Descult in parc (1967) 7.2
70. The Birds - Pasarile (1963) 7.2
71. Splendor in the Grass - Splendoare in iarba (1961) 7.2
72. Mozart and the Whale - Te iubesc la nebunie (2005) 7.2
73. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 7.2
74. Misérables, Les - Mizerabilii (1998) 7.2
75. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008)
76. Great Expectations - Marile Sperante (1998)
77. Cars - Masini (2006)
78. Twin Peaks (1990)
79. The Mask of Zorro - Masca lui Zorro (1998)
80. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Cum sa scapi de un tip in 10 zile (2003)
81. Leaving Las Vegas - Parasind Las Vegas-ul (1995)
82. Anger Management - Al naibii tratament! (2003)
83. The English Patient - Pacientul englez (1996)
84. Kate & Leopold - Kate si Leopold (2001)
85. Top Gun (1986)
86. Enemy at the Gates - Inamicul e aproape (2001)
87. My Fair Lady (1964)
88. The Lake House - Casa de langa lac (2006)
89. Corpse Bride - Mireasa moarta (2005)
90. Vertigo (1958)
91. Conspiracy Theory - Teoria conspiratiei (1997)
92. Notting Hill (1999)
93. Ben-Hur (1959)
94. Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Dl. si Dna. Smith (2005)
95. Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005)
96. Cleopatra (1963)
97. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010)
98. Forever Young - Pururea tanar (1992)
99. Step Up - Dansul dragostei (2006)
100. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Mic dejun la Tiffany (1961)
Scz ca le'am pus de mai multe ori is 200 in total sper sa iti placa
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Pe langa ce a zis flow as mai adauga Requiem For A Dream, Sid And Nancy si Girl Interrupted