1. Supernatural (2005)
2. The Devil's Advocate - Pact cu Diavolul (1997)
3. The X Files - Dosarele X (1993)
4. The Walking Dead (2010)
5. Shutter (2004)
6. Aliens (1986)
7. I Am Legend - Legenda vie (2007)
8. Sleepy Hollow - Legenda calaretului fara cap (1999)
9. The Vampire Diaries (2009)
10. Final Destination (2000)
11. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles - Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994)
12. The Birds - Pasarile (1963)
13. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003)
14. The Others - Ceilalti (2001)
15. Twin Peaks (1990)
16. Constantine - Constantin (2005)
17. The Addams Family - Familia Addams (1991)
18. Predator (1987)
19. American Psycho (2000)
20. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - Lumea de dincolo 3 : Revolta Lycanilor (2009)
21. 1408 - Camera 1408 (2007)
22. True Blood (2008)
23. Resident Evil - Resident Evil: Experiment Fatal (2002)
24. Underworld: Evolution - Lumea de Dincolo 2: Evolutia (2006)
25. The Jacket - Camasa de forta (2005)
26. Final Destination 2 - Destinatie Finala 2 (2003)
27. Saw 3D (2010)
28. From Hell - Din Iad - Jack Spintecatorul (2001)
29. The Mummy - Mumia (1999)
30. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010)
31. Dracula: Dead and Loving It - Dracula: Un mort iubaret (1995)
32. Michael Jackson: VideoGreatest Hits - HIStory (1995)
33. Stigmata (1999)
34. Jaws - Falci (1975)
35. The Mummy Returns - Mumia Revine (2001)
36. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
37. Resident Evil: Extinction - Resident Evil: Disparitia (2007)
38. Hannibal Rising - Hannibal : In spatele mastii (2007)
39. Scream - Scream - Tipi... sau fugi! (1996)
40. Shelter (2010)
41. Jacob's Ladder - Scara lui Jacob (1990)
42. The Exorcist - Exorcistul (1973)
43. Wolf - Lupul (1994)
44. El orfanato - Orfelinatul (2007)
45. 28 Days Later... (2002)
46. Jurassic Park III (2001)
47. Mindhunters - Minti ucigatoare (2004)
48. The Fourth Kind (2009)
49. Dracula (1992)
50. Secret Window - Fereastra secreta (2004)
51. Alien: Resurrection (1997)
52. Diabolique (1996)
53. Final Destination 3 - Destinatie Finala 3 (2006)
54. Orphan - Orfana (2009)
55. Blade (1998)
56. The Final Destination - Destinatie finala 4 (2009)
57. The Girl Next Door (2007)
58. The Exorcism of Emily Rose - Un caz de exorcizare (2005)
59. The Amityville Horror - Amityville (2005)
60. The Rite - Ritualul (2011)
61. Let Me In (2010)
62. Saw III - Puzzle mortal 3 (2006)
63. Frágiles - Oase Fragile (2005)
64. Total Recall (1990)
65. Joy Ride - Gluma mortala (2001)
66. The Zodiac (2005)
67. Van Helsing (2004)
68. The Last House on the Left - Ultima casă pe stânga (2009)
69. Saw V - Puzzle mortal 5 (2008)
70. The Box - Cutia (2009)
71. What Lies Beneath - Dincolo de aparente (2000)
72. Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsa (2004)
73. Alien (1979)
74. Gothika (2003)
75. A Perfect Getaway (2009)
76. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
77. Fringe (2008)
78. Long Weekend (2008)
79. Case 39 - Cazul 39 (2009)
80. The Ninth Gate - A noua poarta (1999)
81. The Brothers Grimm - Fratii Grimm (2005)
82. The Tattooist (2007)
83. Saw IV - Puzzle mortal IV (2007)
84. The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)
85. The Outer Limits (1995)
86. Mirrors - Oglinzi malefice (2008)
87. The Lovely Bones - Din Raiul meu (2009)
88. Zombieland - Bun venit in Zombieland (2009)
89. Saw - Puzzle mortal (2004)
90. 28 Weeks Later (2007)
91. Grace (2009)
92. Cape Fear - Promontoriul groazei (1991)
93. Predator 2 (1990)
94. Låt den rätte komma in - Legaturi de singe (2008)
95. Poltergeist (1982)
96. The Fly - Musca (1986)
97. Twilight Zone: The Movie - Twilight Zone: Filmul (1983)
98. The Astronaut's Wife - Sotia astronautului (1999)
99. Triangle (2009)
100. Moonlight (2007)
101. Drag me to hell
102. Friday 13th
103.Silent Hill
104.Bloody Marry
105.The Grudge 1, 2, 3,4 si +18
106.The House of wax
107.The Haunting in Connecticut
108.The Beast from 20, 000 Fathoms
Cateva . Fundita?
Te rog! :*
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday 13th, The children, The grudge, Saw(1 2 3 4 5 6 3d), The House of wax, The clinic, The last exorcist, The unborn, The uninvited toate sunt foarte bune
vizionare placuta
One missed call
Drag me to hell.
Silent Hill
The Exorcist
Final destination
The exorcism of Emily Rose
Tarata in iad
The Unborn
The Uninvited
Camera 1408
Casa de Ceara
The Beast from 20, 000 Fathoms
The Ring
Saw(1, 2,3, 4,5,6)
The butterfly effect
Oglinzi ucigase
The Haunting in Connecticut
Stay Alive
Bloody Mary
Filme: Grudge 1, 2, 3,4; Mirrors; Hora; Scream 1, 2, 3,4; In dulap; Shutter; Orfana; Jocuri imaginare; Trupul lui Jennifer; Ultima casa pe stanga; Apel nepreluat; Paranormal activity; House; The unborn; The final destination; Drag me to hell; Legion; Ciuperci; Scary movie; The eye; Autopsy; The haunting in conecticut; Casa celor 13 fantome; Silent Hill; Satul; 1408; Transylmania; The box; The ruins; Jason x; Daybreaker; Pandorum; Amusement; Anaconda 3; 13 ore intr-un depozit; Gwoemul; Van helsing; Prom night; Blod and chocolate; Zombie strippes; Dorothy Mills; Gothika; The graves; The crazies; The final; Johan Hex; Altitude; Liberty; Cannibals; Denizen; House; First howl; Frost flowers; Psicho; Shelter; The summoning; Povesti de halloween; Knife edge; Clock Tower; Black Death; The cursed; Conan:Red nails; The horror vault 3; I, Lucifer. The Wolfman; Aftel dark; After life; Urban legends: Bloody mary; Hurt; Call of the hunter; Necrosis; Triangle; Imago mortis; Eulogy for a vampire; Zombie land; Vampiro; In a spiral state; Smash cut; Town creek; Phantom races; Halloween 2; A perfect getaway; Sororrity row; Carriers; Open graves; Cand fictiunea prinde viata; Boo; Eroare genetica; Carantina;
spe rca ajung, fundita?
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