The notebook
Pe aripile vantului
Scarry movie ---daca vrei sa razi
Harry Potter
Memoriile unei gheishe
Portretul lui Dorian Gray
si multe altele!
Ordinea nu conteaza :
Pe aripile vantului
Pasarea spin
If only
Dear John
Million Dollar Baby
Toamna la New York
Dirty dancing
Ghost (Fantoma mea iubita)
Bonnie & Clide
(ar mai fi Flashdance, Sweet November, PS. I love you, The notebook, Never back down, Laguna albastra, Remember me si cam atat imi vine acum in minte)
A walk to remember:X bestial
aqua marine
10 things i hate about you
the vampire diaries
never back down
the notebook
the girl next door
mean girls
slap her.she's french
Definitely maybe,
Ghost of the mars,
Ghost rider,
Fourty days without sex,
Rush hour,
The run down,
The legion,
Black knight,
Just go with it,
Assassin ninja.
Pai topul meu ar fi cam asa:1.Blood and Bone; 2. Undiputed III Redemption; 3. Districtul 13 Ultimatum; 4.The Exorcist(1973); 5.The Thing 1982; 6. Underworld III Rise of Lycans; 7.Constantin; 8.Rush Hour; 9.Ala micu'; 10.Scary Movie 2.si lista ar mai continua dar restul hotaresti tu.salut si sa auzim numai de bine