My sassy girl(asta e frumosssss)
Waiting forever
Crazy, stupid, love
The proposol
The ugly truth
No strings attached
Friends with benefits
Just go with it
A lot like love
Serendipity(nu chiar comedie)
Cam atat intre comedie si dragoste
The dictator
The hangover 2
Friends with benefits
American Pie toate partile
Puicuta cu cocosel
Big mama
Clar urmatoarele :
Big mama
The hangover 1/2
American pie toate
The dictator
A thousend words
Animatii :
Shrek pentru totdeauna
Ice age
Filme de dragoste : Upside down
Les Miserables
Hotul de cuvinte
Hit and Run
Sunt top 2012, geniale aceste filme recomand
De dragoste : If only (care mi se pare mie cel mai frumos film ever )
A walk to remember
Raise your voice
Going the distance
Remember me
Green mile
Shanghai noon
comedie:breaking wild-cea mai tare
si... dragoste:blue lagoon the awakening-cel mai frumos film de dragoste
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