1.Vampire Diaries
3.Game of Thrones
4.Ghost Whisperer
5.The Walking Dead
6. Teen Wolf
7.Prison Break
9.The Client List
10.Pretty Little Liars
toate sunt la fel de misto
The Mentalist...gen C.I.A , e foarte interesant, are rasturnari de situatie deci.e surprinzator
in plus e super comic personajul principal, Patrick Jane! Ti-l recomand cu caldura!
Poti incerca si anime precum Junjou Romantica, sau Inuyasha :X
Iti spun la ce m-am mai uitat eu: modern family; revege (e smecher rau); private practive; house md; grey`s anatomy; awkward; pretty little liars; gossip girl, One three hill(este super serialul merita vazut tot-e terminat); the O.C; 90210; the lying game; scrubs; army wives
Pretty little liars, lost, dr house, grey's anatomy,gossip girl,dexter, teen wolf, the mentalist, two and half men, true blood.
Eu iti propun supernatural e foarte frumos si e cu fantone, vampiri, vrajitoare moarte etc