Silent Hill
The grudge (toate partile)
The cabin in the woods
The last house on the left
A nightmare on elm street
The Thing
Dead Silence
Era o chestie cu: tras in iad sau capcana spre iad. ceva de genu' nu stiu sigur, dar unul dintre filmele din serie se numea LAMIA pe mine m-a ingrozit. Poti cauta doar lamia si iti dau ei seria de filme.
Uninvited,sorority row, halloween, final destination, the grudge, husk, friday 13th,saw,peliculas para no dormir,scream,slashers,texas chainsaw massacre,silent hill,death silence,the exorcist,the apparition,the ring,wrong turn,amityville,night of the living dead,suspiria,barricade,hell hath no fury, black ribbons, the final, day of the dead, deadville, the cellar, laash,
Iti recomand The Ring, The Grudge, sau Mirrors. Daca iti plac cele cu efecte mai speciale, uitate la SAW.
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