Intre focuri, singur acasa 1, 2, 3,4,craciun negru, vanatoarea de soareci, cavalerul negru.
Batman: Under the red hood
Star wars
Lord of the ring
The strange case of benjamin button
Trust.Just like Heaven. Crazy stupid love.Frecventa vietii.The Long Weekend.No Strings attached. Jane Eyre.Fromd prada to nada. Bridesmaides.I don't know how she does it.Bad teacher.Click-sapand prin viata.[ ordine aleatorie] sper ca te-am ajutat. vizionare placuta.
In categoria horror ti-as putea recomanda rose red e super tare dar tine 4 ore si ar fi chiar un bun prim film pentru acest an
Invitation Only
Final Destination 5
Hostel 3
Mirrors 2
Wrong turn 4
Night of the demon
A nightmare on El street