Crazy Stupid Love.
Eu una am vazut filmul de cel putin 5 ori si nu m-am plictisit niciodata.
Are tot ce-ti doresti de la o comedie.
Ar mai fi si Easy A, un film care de asemenea este minunat.
Vizionare placuta!
Big Momma
Big Momma 2
Big Mommas:Like father, like son
Eu una am ras mult dar mai sunt si alte comedii faine, ca :
Something borrowed
Grown ups
Yes Man
She s out of my league
The hottie and the nottie
The big years
What s your number
Chick Magnet
I don t know how she does it
The change-up
Friends with benefits
Horrible bosses
Born to ride
Rat race,vacanta lui mr bean, the money pit, baby's day atat imi aduc aminte momentan
Scarey Movie,papusile Muppets,Jack si Jill,Avin si veverilete, nevasta de imprumut, daca as fi...tu.Cam atatea stiu eu...
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