Filme de groaza:
The exorcism of Emily Rose
The orphan
Scary Movie
The frudge
The messenger
The women in black
Shutter Island
The ring 1, The ring 2 ( sau pe romaneste avertizarea),
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Thing, Don`t look now, Rite ( ritualul pe romaneste ), Audition, Securea, A nightmare on elm street, Alien, Orphan, Azylum, Bats, Paranormal Activity, Psyho, Scream, Friday The 13th, CreepShow, I spit on your grave, Pan`s Labirint, Let the Right One In, Pulse, Heartless, Willard, Coraline, Mr Brooks, The cell, The house of devil, Cube, Jason X, Fido, Spider, The Others, Master of Horror, Shutter, Suspiria, Dead alive, Shadow, Resident Evil, Devil`s Diary, The sworm, Houe of Fears, The Blackout, PAranormal Acivity.
The unborn-foarte fain si de groaza
the ward-cel mai fain film
Ultima casă pe stanga
the ring
The grudge.
The Ring
The devil inside
Silent hill
The Eye
Let me inside
1 Missed call
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