Big momma
Big momma 2
Big mommas:Like father like son
Something borrowed
Grown ups
Yes Man
She s out of my league
The hottie and the nottie
The muppets
The simple life
Little Fockers
Meet the Fockers
Cheerleader camp
House of lies
Couples Retreat
Vacation : All inclusive
The Sitter
The change-up
Friends with benefits
Horrible bosses
Heii :) Si noi am avut de facut un film de scurt-metraj. insa despre Droguri, Alcool si Tutun :x
Vizionare Plcauta ~ :x :
P. S : Vreau sa vad si eu filmul vostru :x Bye
Hot Tub Time Machine
Little Fockers
Easy A
Death at the Funeral
Kick Ass
Knight and day
Due date
Grown ups
is din 2010-2011 da is mult mai funny cele mai vechi.
Ti-as sugera niste filme cu Jackie Chan sau Eddy Morfy. Orice film cu unul dintre ei este amuzant(comic). Succes si vizionare palcuta!
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