Hey, uite-te la "Jumper" sau "Chronicle" 100% iti vor placea. In rest, The hobbit 1, 2 sunt faine. The Prestige Vizionare placuta
Actiune- The Departed, Man on a Ledge, The Bourne Legacy, Catch Me If You Can.
Drama- Hachiko: a Dog's Story.
Acțiune; Dead Man Down (2013),Parker (2013),Hummingbird (2013),Rush (2013),Escape Plan (2013)
Comedie:The World's End (2013),We're The Millers (2013),Identity Thief (2013),Gambit (2012)
Dragoste:Remember Sunday (2013)
Dracula, Destinatie Finala (2, 3,5), Taken: Teroare in Paris, Anotimpul Vrajitoarei, The Secret (e un fel de documentar, dar e super), Colt Alb... sper ca te-am ajutat
Uraganul. este un film super tareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. este de actiune. Funda!
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