The girl next door
Mr. Bones 1 si 2
Beverly Hills ninja
American Pie - toate partile
Numai bine!
Baby day's out
The man
Happy Gilmore
The hot chick
Scary Movie 2
ittle Fockers
She`s out of my League
She's the man, The whole nine yards, Just go with it si Over her dead body placut cel mai mult.
Uite aici:
1. Tom and Jerry (1965) 8.7
2. Brigada Diverse intra în actiune (1970) 8.3
3. Forrest Gump (1994) 8.3
4. Seinfeld (1990) 8.3
5. Tom and Jerry: The Movie (1992) 8.3
6. Ice Age - Epoca de Gheata (2002) 8.2
7. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - Piratii din Caraibe : Blestemul Perlei Negre (2003) 8.2
8. Nea Marin miliardar (1981) 8.1
9. Dexter's Laboratory (1996) 8.1
10. Scrisoare pierduta, O (1977) 8
11. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
12. B.D. la munte si la mare (1971) 7.9
13. Ratatouille (2007) 7.9
14. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 7.9
15. Married with Children (1987) 7.8
16. Ice Age: The Meltdown - Epoca de gheata 2: Dezghetul (2006) 7.8
17. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
18. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.8
19. Mean Girls 2 (2011) 7.7
20. MASH (1970) 7.7
21. Back to the Future - Inapoi in viitor (1985) 7.7
22. M*A*S*H (1972) 7.7
23. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - Piratii din Caraibe: La capatul lumii (2007) 7.7
24. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
25. Supernatural (2005) 7.7
26. Shrek (2001) 7.7
27. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.6
28. If Only (2004) 7.6
29. Ocean's Eleven - Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) 7.6
30. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
31. Home Alone - Singur acasa (1990) 7.6
32. Mr. Bean (1990) 7.6
33. Kung Fu Panda (2008) 7.6
34. Pruncul, petrolul si Ardelenii (1981) 7.6
35. Astérix et Obélix contre César - Asterix si Obelix contra lui Cezar (1999) 7.6
36. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 7.6
37. Tom and Jerry in Shiver Me Whiskers - Tom si Jerry: Pe mustata mea! (2006) 7.6
38. Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) 7.6
39. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 7.5
40. Bonnie Scotland - Stan si Bran scotieni (1935) 7.5
41. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 7.5
42. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York - Singur acasa 2 - Pierdut in New York (1992) 7.5
43. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa - Madagascar 2 (2008) 7.5
44. Bad Teacher - Profă rea, dar buuună (2011) 7.5
45. Rio (2011) 7.5
46. Madagascar (2005) 7.5
47. The Penguins of Madagascar (2008) 7.5
48. The Flying Deuces - Stan si Bran aviatori (1939) 7.5
49. Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring - Tom si Jerry: Inelul fermecat (2002) 7.5
50. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 7.4
51. Friends (1994) 7.4
52. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 7.4
53. Monsters, Inc. - Compania Monstrilor (2001) 7.4
54. The Pursuit of Happyness - In cautarea fericirii (2006) 7.4
55. The Madagascar Penguins in: A Christmas Caper (2005) 7.4
56. Falling Down - Cadere libera (1993) 7.4
57. Our Wife - Stan si Bran se insoara (1931) 7.4
58. Life with Louie (1995) 7.4
59. Modern Times - Timpuri noi (1936) 7.4
60. Paul - Paul. Un extraterestru fugit de acasa (2011) 7.4
61. Shrek 2 (2004) 7.4
62. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 7.3
63. The Hangover - Marea mahmureala (2009) 7.3
64. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 7.3
65. Liceenii (1987) 7.3
66. Taxi (1998) 7.3
67. B.D. în alerta (1970) 7.3
68. Two and a Half Men - Doi bărbați și jumătate (2003) 7.3
69. Mrs. Doubtfire - D-na Doubtfire, taticul nostru traznit (1993) 7.3
70. Liar Liar (1997) 7.3
71. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 7.3
72. The Mask - Masca (1994) 7.3
73. Titanic vals (1964) 7.3
74. The Pink Panther - Pantera roz (1963) 7.3
75. Paulie (1998) 7.3
76. Die Hard: With a Vengeance - Greu de ucis 3 (1995) 7.3
77. Toy Story 3 - Povestea jucariilor 3 (2010) 7.3
78. Man on the Moon - Omul din Luna (1999) 7.3
79. Barefoot in the Park - Descult in parc (1967) 7.3
80. Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 7.3
81. 30 Rock (2006) 7.3
82. Flipped - Prima iubire (2010) 7.3
Si uite si site-ul de unde le-am luat
83. The Sting - Cacealmaua (1973) 7.3
84. Yes Man - Un cuvânt poate schimba totul (2008) 7.3
85. Bad Boys II - Baieti rai 2 (2003) 7.3
86. Bean - Bean - O comedie dezastru (1997) 7.3
87. The Truman Show - Truman Show (1998) 7.2
88. Californication (2007) 7.2
89. Up - Deasupra tuturor (2009) 7.2
90. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 7.2
91. Underground (1995) 7.2
92. Rango (2011) 7.2
93. 3rd Rock from the Sun - A treia planeta de la soare (1996) 7.2
94. Tangled - O poveste incalcita (2010) 7.2
95. Snatch. (2000) 7.2
96. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Cum sa scapi de un tip in 10 zile (2003) 7.2
97. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008) 7.2
98. Grumpy Old Men - Morocanosii (1993) 7.2
99. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 7.2
100. The Great Dictator - Dictatorul (1940)
Pentru filmul care ti-l voi da trebuie sa imi dai funda neaparat razi de mori epic movie1, 2
Scary movie 1 2 3 4 sau 5 cred ca sunt amuzante doar am citit despre ele pe net nu le-am vazut funda pls?
1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Superbad
3. Anchorman
4. Wet Hot American Summer
5. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
6. Napoleon Dynamite
7. The Life Aquatic
8. Step Brothers
9. Funny People
10. maybe Mean Girls for sheer rewatchability. Acestea sunt cred ca aparute incepand cu 2000-2002 eu sincer nu vazut pe toate dar am auzit ca sunt foarte bune ca si filme, ar mai fi sh "American pie " cu toate seriile. sper ca ajutat :*
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