Eu stiu doar 3:
1.Seria amurg
2.Harry Potter :a fost intr-un rol secundar
3.Remember me care merita vazut
Twilight, harry potter, remember me, little ashes, bel imi, love & distrust, how to be, the summer house, The Bad Mother's Handbook, The Haunted Airma, Ring of the Nibelungs, Vanity Fair
sper ca te-am ajutat
Bel Ami (2011) - Georges Duroy
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (2011) - Edward Cullen
Water for Elephants / Apă pentru elefanţi (2011) - Jacob Jankowski Trailer
Remember Me / Aminteşte-ţi de mine (2010) - Tyler Trailer
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse / Saga Amurg: Eclipsa (2010) - Edward Cullen Trailer
Unbound Captives (2010) - Phineas
Little Ashes (2009) - Salvador Dali Trailer
Robsessed (2009) - el însuşi
The Twilight Saga: New Moon / Saga Amurg: Lună Nouă (2009) - Edward Cullen Trailer
How to Be / Cum să fii (2008) - Art Trailer
The Summer House (2008) - Richard
Twilight / Amurg (2008) - Edward Cullen Trailer
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Harry Potter şi Ordinul Phoenix (2007) - Cedric Diggory Trailer
The Bad Mother's Handbook / Manualul unei mame rele (2007) - Daniel Gale
The Haunted Airman (2006) - Toby Jugg
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Harry Potter şi Pocalul de Foc (2005) - Cedric Diggory Trailer
Ring of the Nibelungs / Inelul Nibelungilor (2004) - Giselher
Vanity Fair / Bâlciul deşertăciunilor (2004) - Rawdy Crawley, in varsta Trailer
New Moon
Remember me
Harry potter( in pocalul de foc stiu ca a jucat sigur)