Flags of our fathers, Saving private Ryan, Full metal jacket, Inglorious basterds, The hurt locker, Downfall, The red tails, Pearl Harbour, Jarhead si jarhead 2, Windtalkers.
Nimic nou pe frontul de vest
Saving private Ryan
Schinder's list (sper ca am scris bine)
The book thief
The pianist
Blood diamond
The english patient
the boy in the striped pyjamas
War Horse (2011)
The Colt (2005)
Inglourious Basterds (2009),The Book Thief (2013),The Monuments Men (2014),Unbroken (2014),The Imitation Game (2014),American Sniper (2014)
Nu prea am vazut multe de razboi, dar Troy si 300 sunt printre cele mai bune.
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