The fault in our stars o sa.ti placa la nebunie, aceeasi actrita joaca personajul principal (actrita din Divergent)
One day, tres metros sobre el cielo, tengo ganas de ti, the notebook, if only, the first time, the curios case of benjamin button, abduction, now is good, dear john, the last song, never let me go, warm bodies, ps. i love you, how to make love to a woman, 10 things i hate about you... nu sunt toate recente, dar merita vazute
The Hunger Games 1 și 2 (2012/2013),The Host (2013),mai poți încerca și The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones (2013),The Giver (05.09.2014),The Maze Runner (19 Sept. 2014)
Alte filme:Lucy (2014),Pompeii (2014),Endless Love (2014),The Fault In Our Stars (2014),The Other Woman (2014),A Long Way Down (2014)
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