Din nou pe felie!
Proiectul X
Big Mommas 1, 2 si 3
Crazy, stupid love
No strings attached
Friends with benefits
Mean girls
Mean girls 2
Another cinderella story : Once upon a song
The Muppets
Hall pass
Little Fockers
Something borrowed
Grown ups
Date night
The kids are all right
Wild target
Beauty and the breafcase
Chalet girl
Mamma mia!
Letters to Juliet
Easy A
You Again
Happy, happy
Leap year
The pool boys
Couples Retreat
The Rebound
Bad Teacher
Funny people
The Pink Panther 2
Cele mai amuzante filme d epe terra sunt:-American Pie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8
-Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, ...
-Lets Go to Prison
-Garcea Si oltenii
-3 frati de belea
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