De fapt, nu sunt secvenţe dintr-un film, ci videoclipul pentru piesa a fost gândit şi realizat de aşa natură... încât să pară ca nişte flashuri dintr-un lungmetraj.
Ca şi în cazul videoclipului pentru "Crazy" (Aerosmith), de exemplu:
Daca mergi aici si citesti undeva mai jos la sectiunea Music video, gasesti date cat sa te lamuresti un pic.
Pai? N-ai citit cum te-am sfatuit?
The music video starts with a young girl crying over the loss of her boyfriend. She expresses anger for her father who she blames for making her boyfriend leave, ultimately resulting him dying in a car crash. The girl's very hurt mother watches her daughter's anger for her father and cries as she feels helplessness over the situation. Over the course of the video, there are scenes of the band playing, flashbacks of the couple, and the girl trying to go about her life. A scene in which with the girl is vomiting in her bathroom and holding her stomach implies that she became pregnant right before her lover's death. The video ends with the girl running up to the boy's grave, saying that she saw him and was so close to saving him. The music video was directed by Shaun Silva in early 2006.
Mai clar de-atat ar fi fost sa-ti fi facut un rezumat la ceea ce tocmai ti-am sugerat, un fel de mura-n gura, dar care ar mai fi fost satisfactia ta? Trebuia sa gasesti tu raspunsul acolo.
Încă un exemplu, Supergirl.
Sper să nu-l desece şi pe el Wikipedia, că-i strică tot farmecul.
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