REC(doar unu si doi)
El orfanto
Silent hill
The Tunnel
Blair witch project
The Others
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Ju-on( The Grudge in varianta americana)
Ringu( originalul variantei americane The Ring)
The omen(originalul)
The Exorcist(originalul)
The Haunting in Connecticut
The Awakening
The Woman in black
Room 1408
The Uninvited
The Strangers
Dead Birds
Tale of two sisters
The Ward
The Hills Have Eyes
The Strangers
The Ruins
(The)Last House on the Left
Grave encounters
The Innkeepers
Dead Birds
The Unborn
The Ward
The Possesion
The Amytiville Horror
The Descent
I spit on your grave
The Messengers
2. Daddy day care(Eddie Murphy)
3.Babby's day out
4.Norbit(Eddie Murphy)
5.College Road Trip(Comedie super faina)
6.Dr.Dolittle 1,2, 3,4, 5
7.Haunted Mansion
8.Rush Hour 1, 2, 3
9:Furry Vengeance(este cu animale)
10.Cheaper by the Dozen
11.Cheaper by the Dozen 2
12. Father of the bride
13. Father of the bride 2
14. What a girl wants
15. Jhonny English
16.Boat Trip
17.Denis the menace
18.Denis the menace christmas
19.Denis the mennace strikes again
21.Garfield 2
22.The Pacifier
23.Chihuahua de Beverly Hils(foarte fain)
24. Whitout a padle
25. Whitout a padle 2
27.Stuart Little 1, 2,
28. Wrongfully Acused
29.Mr.Bean the Ultimate disaster
30.Mr.Bean Holiday
31.Snow Buddies
32.Air Buddies
33.Santa's Buddies
34. Space Buddies
35.Land Before Time
36.13 Going On 30
37. Police Academy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
38.Alvin and the Chipmunks 1, 2
39.Big Momma 1, 2, 3
40.Beverly Hils Ninja's
41.Beethoven 1,2, 3,4
42.Crocodile Dundee 1, 2, 3
43. Dracula dead and loving it(comedie)
Merita vazut toate aceste filme, le-am vazut si eu
Ce zici ajung?
La mulţi ani!
Acum sa vezi "listuta mea":
De fete:
bride wars
27 dresses
I don't know how she does it
Charlie St Cloud
What to expect when you're expecting
Ramona and beezus
Comedie (intra si cele de la pentru fete)
Grumpy old men (I si II)
Horrible bosses
The spy next door
Liar liar
This means war
Grown ups
THe opposite day
Altele super super tari:
hunger games
In time
Calatoria 2: Insula misterioasa
Arthur christmas
The printess and the frog
Gnomeo and Juliet
Despicable me
Doar atat imi amintesc, mai intra pe cinemaxx si cauta filme
Horror: Van helsing, Dead show
Actiune: transporter 1, 2, 3, Jaf in stil italian
Comedie: Home alone 1, 2, 3, Harold si kumar
Aventura: pulbere de stele
Comedie: Home alone 1, 2, 3
The last song = nu stiu ce fel de gen este, dar este Miley Cyryus.
TED, American Pie, Duplex, Twilight (1, 2,3, 4-part 1, part 2), The last song, The notebook, Dumnezeu pentru o zi, Doi cuscri de coşmar, King Kong.
The hottie and the nottie cel mai amuzant film, a walk to remember si keith filme de dragoste care merita vazute, saw 4 si the unborn filme de groaza si tangled cu ice age 4 filme animate care sunt super, toate filmele care le-am precizat mai sus sunt cele mai bune si chiar merita vazute, cel putin mie mi-au placut foarte mult...
Comedie:Ted,american pie, Trebuie sa vezi cu duzina e mai ieftin
Iar unul de actiune si drama este Raul ucigas. Sunt super toate
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