Omul care se holba la capre!
Nu l-am vazut, am auzit de el, dar habar n-am cum e
S-ar zice ca e bun!
Little man ...sau adica ai vazut twilight-ul uita-te la parodie Vampire suck (Beilight) o sa razi d enu te mai poti opri
Dumb and dumber
the ugly truth
the rebound
the proposal
hot tube time machine
when in rome...
grown ups
the bountyhunter
the spy next door
date night
old dogs
did you hear abaout morgans?
Mie mi-au placut toate la nebunie.:]^^
American pie(toata seria)
date night
valentine's day
p. s i love you
sex and the city
si cel mai tare:little man.mori de ras :d
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