Ține-te bine, astea sunt ce mai de groază!
And Soon The Darkness (2010)
The Last Exorcism (2010)
War of The Dead (2011)
Let Me In (2010)
The Unborn (Misterul Gemenilor-2009)
Tape 407 (2012)
Sleep Tight (2011)
Camel Spiders (2012)
Silent House (2011)
Queen of The Damned (2002)
Uite cateva idei: The cell, Scream 3, Dracula 2000, Banpaia Psyco,Lost souls, Pitch Black, Promenons-nous dans les bois, Final Destination, Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2.Stiu mai multe dar deja ma doare mana.Restul poate le gasesti tu din intamplare pe net.Merit funda? O zi buna!
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