LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean (cum a menţionat şi faramatania), The Road, The Golden Compass, Sherlock Holmes.
Knight and Day (2010), Killing Season (2013), Cast Away (2000), Death Proof (2007), The Count of Monte Cristo (2002), Rush (2013), Lone Survivor (2013), The Intouchables (2011)...
Against the Wild (2014)
În deşert nu eşti niciodată singur (A Far Off Place), 1993, http://www.cinemagia.ro/......ngur-2560/
Copiii pustiului (Children of the Dust), http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/children-of-the-dust-250902/ Spirite neliniștite (Restless Spirits), http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/restless-spirits-34630/
Ursul (L'Ours), 1988, http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/lours-ursul-1876/ Bears, film documentar (2014), http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/bears-589820/
Aviatori de ocazie (The Flyboys), 2008 http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-flyboys-aviatori-de-ocazie-29606/ Cimpanzeii (BloodMonkey), 2007, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054564/ Prieteni pe viață (Friends for Life), 2008, http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/friends-for-life-446189/
Altele: În căutarea lânii de aur (Jason and the Argonauts), 2000; Pradă fierelor (Prey), 2007; În căutarea comorii pierdute (Lost Treasure), 2003; Rătăcit (Lost), 2004, Ruinele (2008), Diamantul blestemat (2001), Regatul craniului de cristal (2008) etc
John Carter (2012),The Hobbit 1 și 2 (2012/2013), Maleficent (2014),La Belle et la Bête (2014),Hanna (2011),Hugo (2011),Life Of Pi (2012),Cast Away (2000),Harry Potter (seria), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014),Oz The Great And Powerful (2013),Snow White and the Huntsman (2012),The Chronicles Of Narnia (seria), Pirates Of The Caribbean (seria), Season Of The Witch (2011),Race To Witch Mountain (2008),Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013),Noah (2014),Pompeii (2014)
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