| Siiiiia a întrebat:

Vreau 2, 3 filme dar Bune, de nota 10! Sa merite!
Ceva in genul :The Bucket List,
Pursuit of Happyness, Intouchables, Blood Diamond, A Beautiful Mind, Modigliani.
O zi faina happy

9 răspunsuri:
| Giz?z a răspuns:

Once Upon a Time in America, The Godfather I şi II, Good Will Hunting, Forrest Gump, Schindler's List etc etc.

| faramatania a răspuns:

Boyhood (2014),Big Eyes (2014),The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014),The Theory Of Everything (2014),Nightcrawler (2014),altele:Vendetta: Secrets Of A Mafia Bride (1991),Factory Girl (2006),Being John Malkovich (1999),Pleasantville (1998),Sleuth (2007),Inland Empire (2006),Only God Forgives (2013)

| Siiiiia explică (pentru faramatania):

Multumesc! happy

| faramatania a răspuns (pentru Siiiiia):

Cu plăcere!

| Mediocre a răspuns:

Wolf on the wall street.

| Siiiiia explică (pentru Mediocre):

L-am vazut. Multumesc!

| Iknowthat a răspuns:

Seven pounds

| Siiiiia explică (pentru Iknowthat):

Multumesc, L-am vazut happy