Acum nu stiu daca o sa iti placa deoarece nu ne putem potrivi la gusturi... dar uite cele care mi-au placut mie:
New Moon
16 dorinte
Wild Child
Step up [1, 2, 3]
Dance Street
Picture This
Fred Claus
-->Couples Retreat
-->Mean Girls
-->The last song
-->Corpse bride(mireasa moarta) este super
-->One miss call
-->Euro trip
-->Lady and the trump
-->Daddy day care
17 again
Raise your voce
Sper ca iti plac
Ti le recomand pe toate, sunt superbe:
Veronika decides to die, Case 39, Orphan, Girl Interrupted, Hachiko:a dog's story, Never let me go, Premonition, My sister's keeper, My life without me, The virgin suicides, Black Swan, Not without my daughter, Greta, Bo, The butterfly effect, Abandoned, Frozen, Triple dog, The social network, Seven pounds, White oleander.
Sunt superbe toate, am vazut o mare parte din ele.Vizionare placuta.
Sigur o sa-ti placa.
1. Wrong Turn
2.Black Christmas
3.Phone Book
4.Rise(evadare din mort)
5. When a strange calls
6.Case 39
7.House of Wax
8. A nightmare on elm street(ff tare l-am vazut adineauri)
9.Chain Letter
10. I know what you did last summer
11.Jenniger's Body
12. Tamara
13. One Missed Call
14. Mirrors
15.They Wait
16. Uninvaited
17.The Eye
18.The House on the left
19.The Messengers 1, 2
20.The Grudge
21.The Unborn
22.Friday the 13
23.The Crazies
24.Paranormal Activity
25. 13 hours in a warehouse
26.silent hill
27. Pulse
29. 30 days of night:dark days
30.the ghost writer
31.The house of the devil
32.Halloween 1, 2
33. Drag me to hell
34.The Calling
35. Gothika
36.The Omen
37.Room 6
38.The Dark
39. Letter from hell
40.Into the mirror
41.The Darkroom
42.The Body
43.House of 1000 corpses
45.The Gravedancers
TOate sunt Horror deoarece imi plac mult filmele de groaza uite si altele de alt gen:
1.Bride Wars
2. Ultraviolet
3.The Devil Wears Prada
5.Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
6.Romy and Michele:In the Beginning(e foarte frumoasa comedia)
7.Eu si Marley
Sper sa-ti placa pa-pa :X:X:X:X
21, A walk in the clouds, Angels&Demons, Atonement, Babylon A. D., Black Lightning, Blood and chocolate, Blue crush, Crossroads, Camp rock, Charlie St. Cloud, Clash of the titans, Constantine, Crazy beautiful, Cush, Cry baby, Dear John, Did you hear about the Morgans, Dirty Dancing, Easy A, Eragon, Failure to Launch, Fame, Fast track no limits, Fireball, Fool's gold, From Paris with love, Ghost, Ghost of girlfriends past, Haryy Potter, Ho voglia di te, House of wax, Incepton(the best), It's a boy girl thing, Jackass, John Tucker must die, Killers, Knight and day, Leap year, Letters to Juliet, Lost city riders, Make it happen, Mansfield Park, Match point, Material Girls, Million dollar baby, Minoriry report, Mirrors, Mission impossible, Mone Lisa smile, Paranormal activity, Penelope, Prince of Persia, Pulse, Remeber me, Salt, Schindlers list, Scoop, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore, She's all taht, Shutter Island, Sixteen Candles, Spectacular, Step up, Takers, Taking 5, The book of Eli, The bounty hunter, The fast and the furious, The girl with a dragon tattoo, The grudge, the librarian, The sorcerer's aprentice, the time traveler's wife, Twilight saga, The way we were, The box, The covenant, The Da Vinci code, The haunting of Molly Hartley, The lake house, The last song, The perfect man, The quick and the dead, The quiet, The runaways, Top gun, Tre metri sopra il cielo, Twelve, Urban legend Bloody Mary, Valentines Day, Wedding Planner, What happens in Vegas, When in Rome, Wild child, Wisegal, Crash, Spread, The social network, Gigli, Love N Dancing, Queen of the damned, The back up plan.
A ealk to remember
the karate kid
`17 again
ice gatles
hana yori dango(serial pe youtube)
step up 3
fara indoiala
omul mort alergand
cronicile narniei
Sweet november, twelve, if only, greta, not another teen movie toate pe divxonline
1: Yes Man
2: Eurotrip
3: Dear John
4: The Holiday
5: My Sassy Girl
6: She's Out of My League
7: Sex Drive
8: American Pie [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
9: 500 Days of Summer
10: The Notebook
11: Remember Me
12: The Hottie and the Nottie
13: Ratatouille
14: A Walk to Remember
15: The Girl Next Door
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